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Fairytale Land

It had been a few days since their first meeting and like Robin had promised he came back everyday. Regina was happier than ever and lucky for her Cora didn't seem to notice anything.

Her mother had just left when she heard his deep voice calling up to her. The young girl smiled brightly while letting her long dark hair glide out of the window and waiting for him to climb up.

"Hey." he smiled when he reached the window and climbed into the room. Regina gave him a tight hug and the thief grabbed her around the waist hungrily. He wanted her so badly but he knew how shy Regina was so he waited for her to tell him if she was ready.

"Hi. I missed you all day." the brunette whispered and they kissed eachother passionately. In these past few days they had come to love eachother deeply and didn't know what they would do without the other in their lifes.

"And I missed you, my princess." the blonde boy replied and led her over to her big bed where they laid down and snuggled close to eachother.

Regina had her head on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat while he played with her beautiful long hair. This was what he had always dreamed of ever since he was a little boy and his parents had left him in the forest to fend for himself. Robin knew without a doubt in his heart that the young princess was his true love and he would fight til the end to have a future with her.

"I love you." he whispered and brushed some of her dark hair out of her face to kiss her forehead.

"And I love you. So very much that it hurts." the brunette turned around to face him and he saw the tears in her eyes. But unlike the first time they had met this were happy tears. They kissed again and he slowly started to open her dress. But unlike he had expected Regina didn't push away and let him undress her instead.

She was ready.

It was that night they had first made love to eachother and they couldn't be happier.

However there was still one thing between their happiness. Cora! Regina was totally scared of her mother and he knew exactly why. He had seen all the terrible things that the Evil Queen had done to her folks and he had seen Regina's body. Full of cuts, scars and bruises that Cora had caused.

The young man was scared too if he was truly honest. The Evil Queen was not someone you would want to mess with and Robin was sure if Cora found out about them she would burn him at the stack for touching her daughter. He had to find a way to get her out of the tower so that they could be together without her mother in their way.

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