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Regina and Robin had decided to finally get married now that all their children were finally home with them. However, there was still something missing for Regina, or rather someone.

She wanted her mother to be present at the wedding and to prove that she really wanted to change.

She didn't tell Robin about this though, too afraid that he would disagree, so she decided to keep it a secret. A special surprise for the whole family.


"You look so beautiful, Regina. " Snow exclaimed as she saw Regina in her wedding dress. It was a simple white gown with flowers. The bodice was tight but the rest fell to the floor like a water fall.

Her dark hair was down in soft waves, only two strands were braided around her head and she had a small veil over her face.

Snow was right, she looked absolutely stunning.


During a quiet moment were no one was watching her, Regina disappeared to the dungeon where her mother was locked away in a cell that years ago held her father captive.

The old woman sat on the dirt floor, her usually styled hair was a mess and her dress was dirty. Regina didn't recognize the woman in front of her.

As soon as Cora saw Regina she stood up and grabbed her daughter's hand. She had missed her little girl so much.

"What are you doing here? Why are you dressed like this? Did you and Robin get married?" She asked smiling. Regina had never seen her mother smile at her that way, so kind, so loving. Tears came to her eyes as she realized what a life she could have had if her mother had kept her heart. She could have grown up with her mother and father and not in that terrible tower. She could have been a happy little girl, in a happy family.

"No, but I will get married in a few minutes. I know there is still so much hate between us but I need you today. I've needed you my whole life, mother. I know you want to prove yourself and I want to give you a chance. Would you walk me down the aisle? " She asked shyly. She had no idea how her mother would react to this. After all, love was weakness.

"Oh, my love, of course I would. I would love to. I love you, Regina. I know I never made you feel loved and I'm sorry for that. You would have been enough for me but I chose to ignore it. I ripped my heart out, never thinking about the consequences. I made your life a living hell when I should have loved you. I'm sorry. I want nothing more than to prove to you and your family that I can change. I want to see you happy and I know that this wedding will make you happy. " she sobbed and cupped her daughter's cheek softly, staring at the scar above her lip. She had hurt Regina so much and she just now realized her mistakes. Her daughter had grown into a beautiful woman but she had never cared.

This time would be different. She would try her best to be a good mother.


"Regina! We have been looking everywhere for you. The wedding is starting in a minute. "Both her fathers ran up to her and led her to the garden.

"What is she doing here?" Leopold demanded, pointing to Cora.

"Regina let me out. I want to prove myself to you. I want to change but I can't do that in the dungeon. Our daughter asked me to come here, so I came. I love Regina and I still love you, Leopold. I hope you can forgive me one day." Cora explained, never letting go of her daughter. She was nervous and scared. Everyone hated her and she didn't blame them. She had done so many terrible things.

"We gave you another chance as well, dad. You know she can change if we let her prove herself. " Regina turned to Rumple who nodded. His daughter was right. He had changed too and he was the Dark One. Cora could change.

"I know. You are right." He smiled at his daughter and kissed her head.

"So, who will walk you down the aisle? " Leopold asked, never looking at his wife for even a second.

"All of you. "


So all three of them walked their daughter down the aisle. Regina was so happy to have all her parents with her. Everyone else was shocked to see Cora but they quickly quieted down when Regina shot them a glare.

Robin was speechless as he saw his girlfriend in her wedding dress and her mother by her side. She looked so beautiful, like he had never seen before.

Friar Tuck was the one to hold the ceremony.

"Do you, Regina, take Robin as your husband? "


"And do you, Robin, take Regina as your wife?"

"Hell, yes!" Robin exclaimed and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife."


"You were wonderful, my darling. " Cora kissed her cheek and hugged her tightly. It felt so good to finally be loved. But Regina knew they still had a long way ahead for them.

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