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Storybrooke, a few hours later :

After Emma was done talking to Regina and Leopold she picked Henry up from school even without Cora's permission. The young boy was very happy to see his mother and ran into her arms.

"Hey,Emma. What are you doing here? " he questioned and took her hand.

Emma sighed and kneeled down to his level. "I talked to Mary about what happened yesterday. I know what Cora did and Regina confirmed the abuse. She is going to get arrested,Henry. " the blonde explained but the young boy didn't seem sad. He looked just as happy as before.

"She deserves it. Regina has suffered enough." He told her, sounding much older than he actually was.

"And what about you? I know she hurt you too. How is your cheek?" She carefully grabbed his chin and examined his face for any signs of injury.

"It's a little bruised but Regina covered it up with a bit of her make up. I'm fine. So when are you going to arrest her?" he asked excited and started walking again. Again Emma sighed and followed him.

"When I get you home." She replied and together they walked the small distance to the big white mayoral mansion.

As they rang the doorbell Cora was the one to open the white double doors and glared at the sheriff.

"Ms. Swan, what are you doing here? With my son?" She demanded and led her adopted son in.

"I'm here because of you. Cora Mills, you are under arrest for child abuse, insulting and keeping a child locked away against her will. Everything you say can and will be used against you." Emma stated and put Cora's hands in cuffs before leading her to her police car that she had parked there this morning when she talked to Regina.

Cora was speechless for a moment but then she saw her husband and daughter looking at her through the window and smirked. Signalling that she would be back sooner rather than later and would punish them both.

At the sheriff station Emma sat Cora in a report room and started asking her questions.

"I want to call my lawyer first." The old woman said and Emma gave her a few minutes alone.

" I need you at the sheriff station. Now! ... You'll do exactly what I want or your daughter will never know you even existed. And she will never see the light of day again." She threathend through the phone and only five minutes later Mr. Gold was sitting beside her. Defending her. And as always he managed his way out of it. Cora was free to go only half an hour later and smug as ever.

Her daughter would pay for that. She had almost destroyed her reputation. Well almost. Cora Mills always found a way out of everything with enough money and her ability to manipulate even the strongest minds.

As the mayor walked out Emma asked Mr. Gold for a little chat.

" Why are you defending her? I thought we were in the same boat." She demanded and he sighed.

"Well, deary, you should know that I don't take anyone's side." He replied quickly. He couldn't tell her the truth.

"But she abused a child. Well two actually. How can you still defend her?" She was disgusted by this. She really thought he had a soft spot for children but aparently she had been sadly mistaken.

"My hands are tied, Ms. Swan. I can't do anything."

"Why? What does she hold against you?" The blonde demanded.

"Regina. She is my daughter and I only found out. Cora is using that against me. If I don't do what she wants she'll hurt her or I'll never get to meet her." He replied saddened and Emma was speechless for a moment. Regina was his daughter!

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