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After a few days of just thinking about Robin Regina couldn't stand it any longer. She had to go outside again to see him. However she knew that it was impossible because her mother would surely find out.

The young girl sat in the dinning room with her father while the old man prepared some breakfast. "Daddy? Can I ask you something?" Leopold nodded while Regina was nervously fumbling with her blouse sleeve.

"May I go outside again? I promise I will be careful and I'll be back before Mama comes home from work." she asked carefully. Leopold almost choked on his coffee at her words.

He was sure it would get him and Regina in big trouble if his wife were to find out about it, but when he looked at his daughter's puppy dog eyes he just couldn't say no.

"You may. But beware your mother has her eyes and ears everywhere in this town." he cautioned while the brunette just nodded happily.

"I'll be careful. Thank you, Daddy!" she jumped up from her seat and gave her father a tight hug which was gladly returned.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." he called after her before she ran out of the mansion.

She went to the animal shelter where Henry said Robin was working. He smiled warmly at the brunette when he saw her enter.

He had never seen her in town before their little run in at Granny's a few days ago but seeing her together with Leopold and Henry gave him pause. Was she really the mayor's daughter? Why had he never seen her before? Did she intend a boarding school out of town?

"Hi." she said shy and smiled.

"Hey, where have you been? I was getting worried. I've never seen you before in town." he was worried about her. Maybe what Henry said was true. Maybe they were eachother's true love.

"I was at home. My mother doesn't like it when I leave the house. She doesn't know that I'm here and if she finds out I'll be in big trouble. I'm homeschooled that's why you've never seen me before." she explained suddenly sad. He took her hand and led her to the couch in the pet shop.

"So your mother is very strict, huh? But you don't have to be sad. Why are you here?" the older boy asked the brunette with a grin. His deep dimples showing.

"I wanted to see you. You helped me and I didn't really get to say 'thank you'." Robin nodded and stood up again. Letting go of her small hand.

"It's okay. It was partly my fault that you fell. Can I show you something?" she just nodded while he went to the back room and came back a few moments later with a little Dalmatian puppy in his arms.

"Oh, it's so cute. I always wanted a puppy but Mother is totally against it." again there was this sad gleam in her big brown eyes and the pet shop owner took pity on the petite girl.

They played a little while longer with the puppy neither of them paying attention to the time that past. Suddenly Regina's eyes landed on the clock on the wall and she nearly jumped from her seat.

"Oh no my mother will be home in ten minutes. I won't make it back on time." the girl shrieked and quickly put on her jacket ready to run. However Robin grabbed her arm and stopped her in her tracks.

"I can drive you home with my motorbike. You won't make it in time if you run there. It will only take five minutes with my motorbike." Regina nodded although she wasn't sure if driving on a motor cyle was such a good idea. However she was left without a choice in the matter because time was ticking.

He took her hand and led her outside to his motorbike and gave her his helmet. She clung to his waist for dear life the whole drive to her mansion.

"Thank you so much. You saved my life again." the brunette hugged him tightly and gave him a tender kiss to his cheek. The blonde young man smiled happily, feeling the spark the kiss caused inside of him. It was as if he had felt him kiss her before but that was ridiculous of course. He was happily married to his Marion.

She waved as she ran inside the mansion and closed the door behind her. He took his time and stayed a little longer before the big white house not seeing the mayor's car pulling into the driveway.

"What do you think you are doing here before my home, Mr. Locksley?" the old woman raised an eyebrow at him.

"Uhm,...I uhm was just stopping to check my wheel." he lied and quickly got on the bike again. Driving away.

Cora didn't pay him much attention as she walked into her housr to greet her husband and younger children.

"Hello." she greeted Leopold with a kiss before satting her purse down in the foyer and walking upstairs to her daughter's room.

As she opened the door she saw her daughter reading in her brother's fairytale book not addressing her mother at all. "Hello, sweetheart. I missed you." she said and pulled Regina into a tight hug and kissed her head.

This was very odd for Regina since her mother never really paid her much attention. Did she know something? Did she see her with Robin?

It really scared Regina. She had been so careful not to alert her mother.

"I missed you too, Mama." the brunette faked a smile and went back to reading.

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