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Fairytale Land :

Snow White had always been A curious child and that never changed even though she was 23 now. So when her stepmother left the castle yet again without telling anyone she followed her quietly. She rode very deep into the forest and stopped in the middle of a clearing where a tall tower rose to the sky.

The young woman frowned as she heard Cora calling "Regina, let down your dark hair!"
A young girl stood by the window and let her long dark braid out of the window the stone tower seemed to possess. Cora climbed up the braid and hugged the girl tightly.

The princess tied her horse to a nearby tree and waited hidden in the safety of the trees until Cora exited the tower and rode back to the castle.

Snow waited a few minutes to make sure her stepmother was really gone before walking to the tower and called the same words Cora had called.
Only moments later the small brunette let her hair glide down the stony wall and Snow grabbed it unsure if it was really save to climb up. Cora had down it without any problems so it couldn't be so hard right?

Slowly and carefully she began to climb up the tower with great afford.

Regina was confused. The person she was pulling up didn't feel like Robin or her mother. She was lighter and took far longer than both of them. She shrunk back as the person finally entered the room. It was a young woman probably 7 or 8 years older than her in expensive clothing and with shiny black hair. She looked like a princess.

"Who are you and what are you doing here? " She shrieked and shrunk even more into herself.

Snow noticed the girl ' s fear and took a few slow steps in her direction. "Don't be afraid. My name is Snow White and I saw my stepmother climbing your hair and I just had to find out who you are. You have amazing hair." The princess spoke softly and Regina's cheeks flushed a bright red at the compliment. So Robin had been right. Her mother had another family behind her back.

Her head lowered in sadness and Snow noticed a change in her soft brown eyes. Who was this beautiful young girl?

"Thank you. I'm Regina and Cora is my mother. She locked me up here after my father died to protect me. She never told me about you or that she married again." The brunette spoke softly with tears in her eyes. Snow couldn't believe it. This girl was Regina? The daughter that Cora told everyone was dead? But why?

"I'm sorry to hear that. If my father knew about you he would have never let her lock you away. He could help you get out of here I'm sure." She said happily but Regina just shook her head. She only met the girl and didn't know if she should trust her or not.

"No! Mother can never know you were here. She would be furious and punish me for letting you in." She exclaimed and sat on her bed. Snow followed close and sat down next to her new found stepsister and took her hand.

" I'm sure she'll understand. You didn't know it was me. And besides Cora is so always so nice and kind she would be so happy to have you living with us in the palace. Father would be delighted to have another daughter. " She told the other girl with a bright smile on her pale face.
Again Regina shook her head. Her mother everything but kind to her and she clearly wouldn't approve of her leaving the tower. There had to be a good reason why she never told her about her other family.

"She isn't kind at all. She is scary sometimes. And cruel. She would never let me leave. I tried to escape once and it didn't end well." She flinched at the memory and shuttered. Snow frowned. What other secrets did her stepmother have? The young girl in front of her was clearly terrified and she didn't like seeing her in pain. She already had sisterly feelings for the petite brunette.

"Okay. If you can't come with me then I'll come to you. I'll visit you every day from now on. You don't have to be sad or lonely anymore. I promise." Regina's eyes lid up at the prospect of yet another secret friend and nodded.

"But you can only visit in the evenings so Mother doesn't find out. However there is another guest visiting me in the evenings. His name is Robin and we well love eachother. But you can't tell Mother. She will kill him if she finds out." Snow smiled and nodded happily.

"Of course. Young love must be protected. So tell me about him. Did you kiss yet?" The princess laughed and Regina's eyes widened in shock. Before she agreed to tell her sister all about the thief. She felt like she could really trust this girl. And having a sister was something she had always wanted. She always wanted someone to protect her and share her deepest emotions and secrets with and now she had found just that.

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