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Storybrooke, a few days later

The tension in the Mills- Blanchard was icier than ever now that Emma had moved in with Mary Magaret and Regina had decided to keep the baby.

Unlike the teenager Cora knew exactly who the father was and it made her blood boil. Robin Hood!

The thief had not only intended to steal her daughter from her, he also took her innocence when he sat foot into her tower almost 30 years ago.

There was no doubt that the child had been conceived in the Enchanted Forest and not in Storybrooke. The former had made sure to keep Regina in the safety of the big mansion where no one could see her. And Robin Hood was totally unaware of the love he has lost. He was now married and didn't know what he was missing in his heart.

Regina on the other hand felt the grieve of lost love constantly without knowing who she had lost. The memory loss was eating on her very soul.

Now she sat in the living room with her father while her little brother was reading from his fairytale book.

"Henry, I don't think I'm a princess. I mean look at me. I don't have long hair that one could use as a ladder and Mother is not an Evil Queen." Regina tried to convince her brother for the hundreth time that day.

It was saturday and their mother was working an extra shift at town hall to get some paper work done while Leopold was watching the kids.

"Your sister is right, Henry. Come let's quit reading and go to Granny's for some lunch." the old man suggested. Henry's face beamed while Regina looked scared.

"But Mother wouldn't allow it, Daddy. She would be very angry if I left the house." she said sadly. Leopold, however shook his head and smiled at his daughter.

"She wouldn't have to know, sweetheart. She is at work."

So they all went to the diner. For Henry it was just a normal thing to do but for Regina it was heaven. She had never been outside before so it was all a bit overwhelming.

While Henry and Leopold walked quickly down Main Street the brunette took her time and look at everything that was surounding her without looking where she was going.

Suddenly she ran into something or rather someone and fell onto the hard pavement. Strong arms wrapped around her slim waist and helped her up.

"Hey, is everything alright?" he asked. Regina only nodded as she was entranced by his ocean blue eyes. She knew these eyes but didn't know why.

Suddenly she was shaken out of her dace by her father's shouting. "Yes, I'm fine. My name is Regina. I have to go. My father is waiting but thank you for helping me." the brown eyed beauty smiled warmly at him before making her way over to her father.

"I'm Robin Locksley!" he called after her and she nodded.

Leopold was shaking his head in amusement and took his daughter by the hand, leading her over to the diner.

For the rest of the day she couldn't stop thinking about Robin and how he looked so familiar and there was this feeling of terrible loss again.

Something must have happened in the past but she just couldn't remember.

The young girl sat on her bed reading her brother's book. Suddenly she came across a picture of a long haired girl kissing a dirty blonde haired man that looked a lot like Robin and she then wondered if Henry was actually telling the truth.

But that couldn't be, she quickly realized as she played with her short locks that had grown out a bit since Emma had come to town. It was now just above her shoulders but she was sure it wouldn't stay that way for long. Cora would surely cut it off again soon.

With that thought in mind the pregnant teen closed the book and laid down in her queen-sized bed.

Regina dreamed about being in a tower and Robin was kissing her passionately but that wasn't possible. He was a married man after all.

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