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A few days later it was time for her date with Robin. Regina was really nervous and she had to throw up more often than usually. Mary was slightly concerned about her little sister ' s health. Now that a trial was going to take place she had an upset stomach as well.

"Regina! Are you ready?" She called up the stairs where Regina was still trying out different outfits. Emma and Mary had gone shopping with her yesterday but she wasn't sure if the clothes suited her with her bald head.

Mary sighed and went upstairs to see her sister standing in front of the mirror, rubbing over her slightly rounded belly.
"Hey. Are you okay?" She asked as she sat on the bed.

" I don't know what to wear. Everything looks weird with the baldness. " the girl replied softly And sat next to the teacher.
A sudden sadness overwhelmed the pale woman and she wrapped her sister in a tight hug. Cora had really done a number on her but she vowed to herself to make it up to her. Regina would know love if it was the last thing she did.

"Hey, look at me. You are the most beautiful girl in Storybrooke, don't ever doubt that. Your hair is not important. If it was than Robin wouldn't want to date you. Believe me." She comforted the small girl and smiled happily as Regina finally looked her in the eyes.

" You think so?" She asked still unsure of herself. Cora had raised her to be timid and weak without the attention of ever letting her leave and Mary kicked herself for not getting her out sooner.

" Of course! You are beautiful, talented and kind hearted and very smart. Mother manipulated you your whole life but she was wrong. You aren't weak, Regina! If you were than you wouldn't still be pregnant. You are the strongest person I know. She manipulated and abused you for all those years and you still never gave up hope." The teacher explained and Regina seemed happy once again. Her sister was right. She could be her own person without their mother luring in the shadows.

"I think you should wear the red dress with the new leather jacket. That suits you really well." She offered and Regina nodded although she wasn't sure if the dress wasn't to tight. Everyone would see her stomach but she tried it on anyway.

Her sister was right. It was perfect for her and she was sure Robin would like it too.


Half an hour later Mary had done Regina's make up and went downstairs with her where Henry was reading in his fairytale book.

Regina smiled softly and sat next to her little brother, peering over his shoulder to see what he was reading exactly. She frowned as she saw the picture he was staring at. There were two young people. A boy and a girl, kissing eachother. The boy had a lot of resemblance with Robin. And the girl looked a lot like herself. It couldn't be. She couldn't be the hidden princess in Henry's book. She was just a normal girl in a quiet little town.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Henry ran to open the door. It was Robin, dressed in a dark green pullover, a pair of jeans and a brown leather jacket. He smiled down at Henry.

"Hey, young man, is your sister ready?" He asked nicely but Henry rolled his eyes and stared him down.

"Almost. So what are your intentions with my sister? What are you planning? Are you going to marry her?" He boasted himself and crossed his arms over his chest. Robin laughed.

"Henry that's not nice! Let Robin in please." Regina scolded him and took him by the shoulders.

" I was just trying to protect you." He growled and Regina chulked .

" That's very sweet of you but you don't have to worry about me, Henry. I'm sure Robin ' s intentions are honourable. " the brown-eyed girl explained and ruffled his mob of curls.

She turned and went to hug Robin.

After that they left the appartement building, holding hands as Robin led her through the small town. They walked for ten minutes until they reached the beach. Regina took in everything carefully.
She had never known there was a beach in Storybrooke nor had she ever seen one other than on TV.

Robin gave her hand a comforting sqeeze and started walking once again. In the distance was a little play ground and in front of that laid a large blanket with candles all over the place. It was so romantic. The perfect setting for there first date. Away from prying eyes and the staring people of the town. They sat down and Robin took a basket full of food out from under another blanket.

"Do you like it?" The blonde man asked unsure what she would think of this. With the mayor as mother she was used to riches and very good food, he was sure of it.

"I love it!" She exclaimed and laid her head on his shoulder. He wrapped one arm around her and together they watched the sunset. All the while taking a bite of the food he had prepared. It was truly the best day she ever had.

They sat like that for two hours. Robin was carefully rubbing over her belly and suddenly felt a kick and then another.

" They are moving around, playing soccer in Mama's tummy." The brunette smiled and Robin seemed so fascinated as if he had seen an angel.

"When are you due? And did you already buy anything for them? Clothes, furniture, toys?" He asked so excited. Regina never thought he would be so happy that she was pregnant from another man and that he was willing to help her through all of it.

"Well I'm only four months pregnant so I still have time. " She laughed. It was quite silly to talk about clothes and furniture if she didn't even know the genders yet.

"It's never too early." He whispered and gave her belly a loving kiss. This was the life Regina had always dreamed of but Cora could still take it all away from her. The trial was nearing and she feared not only for her own life but for the rest of her family as well.

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