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Rapunzel was sound asleep as it happened again. She had that dream again about her sister. Her name was Destiny. Suddenly the image before her eyes changed and she saw her mother lying lifelessly on the floor, blood everywhere. She heard the cackle of an evil witch who stood above her mother with a knife but Rapunzel couldn't see the who that woman was.

She woke up, screaming at the top of her lungs, her forehead dripping with sweat as Cora ran into the room and took the terrified child into her arms.

"Shh" she whispered stroking the toddler ' s long hair. "What happened? What did you dream about? " She asked as Rapunzel slowly began to calm down. Her breathing evened out a little so she could speak again as she looked up to meet her grandmother ' s cold brown eyes. Something about her eyes had always unsettled her but her young mind couldn't progress what it was. She understood that her grandmother was not very nice, could feel it everytime she hugged her that her heart was not beating within her chest, but she craved the comfort and Cora, as far as she knew, was the only family she had.

"I saw mommy. The bad lady was hurting her." She whimpered and clung to Cora's night gown. Cora was surprised to hear this. Surely her granddaughter couldn't remember the very moment she met the world, or could she? The old woman could feel the strong magic surounding the small girl, coming to the surface because of the fear she felt. Soon enough she would be able to use that magic for her own benefits and finally take over Wonderland.

"It's alright. It was just a dream. Go back to sleep, Rapunzel. " she answered and let go of the girl. As always Rapunzel obeyed and stopped crying almost immediatly.

"Can you stay here?" She asked carefully. Pleading with her big brown eyes.

"Only until you fall asleep again." She promised and watched as the small child closed her eyes again. Rapunzel was a good girl, not like Regina had been and she hoped it would stay that way forever. She needed the girl's magic. Needed it to stay alive in case her daughter would ever find her. Her daughter had the power to destroy everything she had build for herself but Regina was also the only one who could kill her. She needed Rapunzel to stay loyal to her so that she could convince Regina not to kill her. Rapunzel was her last chance.

Regina :

"Regina? Can I talk to you for a moment, sweetheart? " Leopold asked his stepdaughter after dinner. The young woman nodded before going into her father's study.

"What is it, dad?" She asked while sitting down by the fire place. She wasn't exactly sure what all of this was about and she was kind of nervous.

"I've been keeping a secret from everyone for five years now and I decided that now you were ready to find out the truth." The old man started. Regina was unsure what he meant but it couldn't be good if he had kept it a secret for so long.

"What do you mean? Why would you keep a secret? And why would you tell me of all people? Why not Snow?" She stared into his blue eyes and he shifted under her stern gaze. Sometimes she reminded him of her mother.

"Well, it merely concerns you. You see as soon as we came here I arranged for the summer palace to be rebuild and made into a home for you, Robin, Destiny, Zelena and Rumple. You see, Regina, I was doing this because I want you to be the future Queen. " he admitted and Regina didn't know what to say. Why? Snow was the rightful heir and had been raised to become Queen. She had no idea she was a princess until she met Robin and still she didn't feel like one. She had no idea how to rule a whole kingdom.

"You can't be serious. I can't be Queen. That title belongs to Snow. She is much better than I am. I have no idea how to rule. And I have my children to think about. " She finally explained. She really didn't want to be Queen. She had enough on her plate with Destiny, her pregnancy and looking for her other daughter.

"Regina, I know this is a lot to take in but I'm serious. You are kind, loving, smart,beautiful and strong. You went through so much pain but you survived all of it and never fell for the darkness and is also inside you. You know how to fight and you have powerful magic. You will make a great Queen. Snow is strong too but she can't relate to what you've had to endure. She was always a spoiled child especially after her mother died and she doesn't understand what it's like to lose. You have that power." Regina couldn't believe this. How could he say this?


Snow was curious as always so she followed her father and Regina and listened in on their conversation. She couldn't believe this. Her own father thought she was too weak and too innocent to be Queen? This was so unfair! Why would he chose her stepsister over her?

She had always tried to be good after her mother died but now she couldn't help the jealousy bubbling to the surface. Her sister was not even his daughter so why would he chose her? Her sister had no idea how to rule.

"You think that little about me, father?" She shouted, before running to the stables and getting on her horse. She knew she shouldn't ride in her state but she didn't care. She just wanted to get away.

She rode deep into the forest until her horse got spooked and threw her off. A strong pain forming in her abdomen and something warm flooding down her legs. Her baby was coming. But she couldn't get the baby now! It was too early and she was all alone. She cried for her daddy and her sister. What had she done to herself?


With Rumple's help it was no problem finding Snow but the state she was in made Regina sick. Her sister couldn't lose her baby. Not now, not ever. It was all her fault.

Back at the castle they got Doc who stopped the bleeding and helped Snow give birth. Regina held onto her hand the whole time while David held her other hand. After hours of pain and blood and screaming a healthy baby boy was placed into Snow's arms.

"I'm so sorry, Snow. It's all my fault that you had to go through so much pain." Regina cried, walking outside, but Snow stopped her.

"It was my own fault. I shouldn't have run away and gotten on a horse. But it's alright. My son is healthy." She said softly. But inside her there was still that feeling of resentment for her sister. She was having a hard time and she was secretly blaming her sister for it.

"I'm still sorry." Regina sobbed. She could sense that this fight was not over and she felt her heart break. Her sister had always been there for her, she couldn't lose her to the darkness like her mother.

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