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A few weeks it was time for Cora's and Leopold's second wedding. Regina was so glad her parents were finally together again and this time she would be able to see her mother walking down the aisle.


"Regina, would you help me please?" Her mother asked as she was trying to do her hair with shivering hands.

"Of course, mother." She smiled and took the hair brush from her mother's hands. Zelena and Snow where checking downstairs if everything was ready, although they had promised to do their mother's make up.

Regina pulled her mother's shoulder lenght hair into a bun and put some shiny hair pins into it.

Her sisters entered the room just in time to help their mother with her make up while Regina watched them closely. She was so glad she had her sisters. And of course she was grateful for her brothers as well, although Henry was technically her nephew. She still saw him as her little brother since she had practically raised him because her mother never had the time.

"You all look so beautiful. I can't believe you are all grown up. I remember like it was yesterday that I held you in my arms as a baby, Zelena. I'm so sorry for giving you away. I regret it everyday. And you, Snow. I know that I'm not your mother but I raised you since you were a little girl. I know I did a terrible job but I do love you and I'm sorry for taking Emma away from you. I can't into words how bad I feel. And, Regina, I probably hurt you the most. I know I can never fully make up for that. I put you through so much pain and misery but I love you so much. And I'm proud that you turned into such a wonderful person even you had to be raised by me." Cora sobbed and all three women had tears in their eyes.

"You are ruining your make up, mother." Regina smiled and wrapped an arm around her mother. Cora kissed her cheek and smiled lovingly.

"I guess so. But I needed to get that out first. I really love your father, I know he isn't your real father and I never wanted to give you a stepfather but I know that he loves you like his own. You too Zelena." She explained and Zelena didn't know what to say.  She was just so glad she had a family now.

"It's alright, mother. Leopold is a great man. Probably a lot better than my biogical father. He left you. Yes, Leopold was responsible for you sending me away but he apologized." The red head explained and gave her mother a short hug.

After that they helped her into her dress. It was very simple in comparism to her first wedding gown. She didn't want to look like a princess, she was an old woman after all. The dress had long sleeves and was of ivory colour. No diamonds, no flowers, just simple silk.

"You look wonderful, mother. " Snow exclaimed and her sisters agreed. She looked beautiful indeed.

When everything was ready, Regina linked her arm with her mother's and was prepared to walk her down the aisle.

At the far end of the room stood her father with her little brother, happily awaiting his wife. She had never seen him so happy ever since little Roland was born. She looked at her mother and saw some tears falling down Cora's cheeks. And gave her arm a comforting sqeeze.


"Cora, the first time I saw you in the castle gardens I knew you were the one. I had no idea about the simple things in life, like lighting a fire. You showed me. I know I made a big mistake when I send you and Zelena away that first time but I'm glad we found eachother again. Yes, you made some bad choices but so did I and I'm glad we were able to put all of this behind us and move on. I'll love you forever and always and I vow to never let you down again. We have been blessed with four beautiful children and five wonderful grandchildren and with you my happiness is complete. " Leopold announced and kissed her passionately before putting the Ring on her finger.

Cora stood silent for a moment. She wasn't sure what to say.

She took in a deep breath and looked at her children with a warm smile.

"Leopold, although I didn't have my heart when we married, you were, are, the man I wanted to grow old with. I made some terrible decisions that cost me your trust but I'm glad you let me into your heart again. I love you, our children and grandchildren so much and I never want to lose you again. And I promise to do better this time around. " she smiled and put the ring on his finger, then gave a kiss.

Regina looked on in tears. However, they were tears of happiness. She had her family now. A very big family, one she never expected to have growing up in the tower. Now, she was a princess, she had parents that loved her, siblings that supported her in everything, a wonderful husband and three beautiful children. She was finally at peace with herself and wouldn't trade her family for anything in the world.

She wasn't that terrified girl in the tower that had to let her hair down anymore. She was free.

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