Chapter 2

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Landing in Toronto finally I led my way to the luggage area and fetched my suitcase and left the place.

I stood at the exit of the airport watching the hustle and bustle.

For the first time I was away from South Korea and that too on my own so I was a little scared because I had always been under the wings of my Papa.

Getting a taxi,I told the driver my destination and seated.The ride took a while and finally I reached the place I had come here for.

I looked out of the car window at the University in front.

University of Toronto...

I stepped down from the car and paying the fare I looked up at the huge building in front.It was so beautiful and nicely built.

I wheeled my luggage to the entrance so that I could look for my dorm room and department.Thankfully I had got a single bed dorm and I wasn't going to have any roommate...

I entered through the main gate and made my to the Head's office while looking around at the scenery and the people there.Some were lying down on the grass,some were lounging near the small pond and some were walking around.

I head to two of the many people sitting down to ask for directions.

"Excuse me"I said politely.

The two girls looked up at me and smiled.Thank goodness not some rich bitches in the university.

"Yes"both said in unison.

"Ahh..will you please guide me towards the Head Office"

"You're new?"one of them asked.

I nodded.

They guided me towards the direction of the office and I thanking them headed that way.

After some turnings here and there I finally reached there.

Mr Eve covered in a glass case was written in bold letters on the door frame.

Exhaling a long breath,I knocked on the door twice and waited to be called in.

The person inside said 'come in' and I did so.

I entered and saw a bulky but kind looking man sitting behind the big office desk.He looked up when I entered.

"Good Afternoon Sir"I greeted him.

"Good Afternoon"He replied,"Please take a seat"

I did so.

"So how May I help you"He asked after I had taken a seat in front now facing him.

"Sir I'm Anastasia Rose the Prestigious Scholarship Holder."

"Ahhh Miss Rose from South Korea"He said recognition dawned on his face.

"Yes sir"

"Right Miss Rose You are Very Welcomed here.We're happy to have such a wonderful student here with us.He greeted me.I thanked him in return.

"I hope you continue your progress here like always.Here-"he said and rummaged through the drawer taking out a file,"-are the details of your classes with the University map so you don't get lost and the dorm key."

He handed me the file and the key and I took them.I stood up and thanking him I left the office.

"Right let's find the dorm first"I said to myself and took out the map from the file.

Time Skip

After some 20 mins of looking around i finally reached my dorm room.I unlocked the door and entered the place.

This place was easily satisfactory for my taste.

It was a spotless room with a single bed,a window,a nightstand,one door closet and two seater sofa.There was a single door in the corner probably leading to the bathroom.


I thought about calling Eunha first and then settle in because she must be impatient and worried sick about me reaching here safely.

Since it was weekend so I had a complete day off tomorrow to look around the university fully and look for my department and classes.

I took out my phone from my bag and unlocking it I scrolled through the contacts.

Right Eunha!!

I clicked on the call button and put the phone to my ear.

After several rings the call was received.

"안녕"Eunha screamed from the other side.(Hello)

I couldn't help but remove the phone from my ear.

"Don't fucking shout.You're going to make me deaf"I playfully scolded.She did nothing but giggle.

"So have you reached?"She asked after a while.


"좋아!!"She said(Good)

We talked for a bit and then I hanged up.

I settled all my stuff in there right places and then took a shower.

Lying in my bed I debated with myself thinking about whether I should meet my family or not.

They are your family.They must have missed you.Don't you wanna meet them.My inner voice asked.

I do I really want to.I want to know how it feels to have a big family.Mom and dad.And elder brothers.How would it be like spending time with them.But this question always would stop me that if they would want me now??Are they over me??Have they forgotten me??

I shouldn't stress myself now.I'll think about it later.Taking out my hazel lenses which covered my grey eyes I put the lens holder on the nightstand and laid back closing my eyes.


I don't like unnecessary drama in books so I'm going to just have character development.Since it's just the start you'll find the book a lil bit boring but I'll eventually try making it as much fun as possible.
Happy Reading!!

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