Chapter 41

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Third Person's POV

The atmosphere this evening was quite cool and lively.Everyone was sitting out in the open room of the restaurant,sitting under the illuminated sky,numbered with hundreds of stars,shining bright,visible through the glass roof of the vast room.

And why won't the atmosphere be lively?

After all,the whole family had gathered together since they had last met 6 months ago in Italy.Everyone chatted together in groups or pairs,sharing any conversation they had with each other while the waiters served them delicious food.

The Italians,The Americans,The Spanish and The Russians all were gathered in one big room in an upscale restaurant to have dinner,which was on the demand of the youngest Romano and her two best friends,Delilah and Isabelle.

The aura could be felt in the room with how the waiters were acting cautiously and seriously despite the liveliness of the room.

And why won't they,after all they were in the presence of such powerful people.

"Do you know,a boy in my university confessed to me that he likes me?"Isa giggled as she filled in her two best friends whom she had seen after so long.

"Really?What did you do then?"Lilah smiled happily as she asked in return while Ana just listened and smiled,probably thinking how the men of the family would react if they found out Someone likes Isa.

"What did you say Isabelle?"Sebastian suddenly asked loudly.

And Ana cursed her thoughts on how she just jinxed them.

"What did I say?"Isa glared,daring him to say something?

"That a boy at your uni confessed to you that he likes you,"He air quoted her words.

"What?"the reply came by every single men in the room.

"Isa,who is he who said this?He doesn't wanna live I think?"Armani said immediately,being protective of his only sister.

"What!!now you're gonna threaten a boy to death because he likes me?How am I suppose to date then?"Isa asked,her eyes widened in disbelief.

"You're not dating until you are much older,"Lorenzo joined in too.

"That's nonsense,Ana is dating too and she hasn't even turned 20 yet."Isa tried to reason as she gave Ana a sorry look but Ana just smiled in return.

"We're still bitter about it but we're not worrying that much cuz it's Damon..if it was someone else,dare he would had come near Ana,"Dominic said.

Ana cast him a 'are you serious look' and rolled her eyes.

"Oh please,you and your threats doesn't work with me..try someone else.."she narrowed her eyes at Dominic.

"Well,whatever you say,I'm not a kid,I can date anyone I want besides I didn't even said anything in return to that boy's confession..and damn you Sebastian,stop eavesdropping on our conversations."Isa extended her arm and hit him on the head who was sitting besides Ana.

"Alright kids,no fighting..Sebastian,stop involving yourself in the girl talks...Isa can date whoever she wants"Sandy shushed her kids and added,"and of course after we meet the kid and approve of him."

Isa just grinned in return and turned to her side to poke her tongue out at Seb.

Ana just shook her head.

Why am I always sitting between these too or near them whenever they are arguing.." Ana wondered to herself.

She had quit the idea of sitting near Damon and let him sit with the boys while she had  placed herself on one of the chairs near her two best friends whom she hadn't seen in a long time and decided to catch up.

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