Chapter 39

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Anastasia Rose Romano

"Stop stealing my food,"I hit the sneaky hand that emerged slowly from my side and hissed at the intruder.

It was 31st of December,the last day of the Year.The Year had finally come to its end with many different events happening in a single year.Of My Departure from South Korea to coming to the Canada and then meeting my brothers and then family.Warming up to them in the 3 months I spent with them and also meeting Damon and coming this far to be dating.

I had never planned on dating this soon or had ever thought about it.I was so deep in my insecurities that I had never intended to think about being romantically involved with someone.It just happened and I couldn't be more happy.And as always I was very thankful for being alive and okay,living with my family and experiencing different kinds of things in my life.

It all was possible because of my Papa.I still missed him a lot and there were moments when my heart felt miserable but I had now finally come in terms with the reality.Although the worry of any of my family getting hurt because of Mafia was still there as it was a natural occurrence for the thoughts to come out anytime.

Since I joined the New Year's tradition for the first time,I had took part in it.Although it was just Men Work Day,I tried to help as much as I could but I was only shooed away whenever I would step foot in the kitchen.

I couldn't help it.It was a natural instinct from past experiences.

At the moment we were seated at the dinner table,in the largest dining room in the Mansion that could accommodate At least 40 people at the table so it was easy for everyone to sit together.

We were served the special dishes that the husbands and boys made while we chatted and joked on different topics.Everyone was occupied with having their own talks in groups.

That's when the offending hand appeared besides me to snatch my plate of lasagna that I was a little slow in finishing because I had been munching on the spicy chicken sticks.

Dominic groaned as he pulled his hand back,rubbing it and huffed.

"I can help you finish it,"he mused.He had already finished his own plate of lasagna and I knew how much of a big sucker he was for lasagna and the big appetite he had,one serving was very little for him.

"No thank you—I like it too and I'm going to eat it,"I shook my head at his unreasonable comment.

He pouted,making puppy eyes and tried once again to convince me.

"Come on Sorella,sharing is caring—don't you love me,"

Oh the same old trick...emotional blackmailing I giggled internally as I thought about it.

I puckered my lips,pretending to think and shook my head.

"No I don't,"I teased.He huffed once again and turned back to the other side to look for another target.

Of course I don't love anyone when it comes to my dear food.

I heard a deep chuckle from my side and turned in my seat to my right at Damon as I was sitting between him and Dominic at the table.

As we had revealed our relation a day ago,we could finally be together in front of the family but of course my brothers couldn't resist from threatening Damon every chance they got.

I raised my eyebrows at his amused expression while he sat in his seat looking all delicious and hot but his face painted with the adored expression,one that I had started seeing ever since we got together.

"What?"i tilted my head at him and his smile widened more.

"Nothing—it's just you love food more than anyone don't you?"he chuckled lightly teasing me so I pouted at him.

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