Chapter 8

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Since it was weekand,I had a day off.Other people in the uni would go out for clubbing and hangouts with their friends or groups..well I had neither nor I had any interest.I liked doing stuff alone.Since I had only Eunha besides me all the time so in her absence,I was going to look around the city myself.

I spent the day roaming around visiting different places.I had a deep love for art so I visited several museums and then some couture shops for fun.I had a round around the shopping mall looking around enjoying the time alone going through different stores.I bought few necessary daily use stuff as well.

Thankfully I didn't had to worry about money.I had inherited a small fortune from my papa.But I wasn't one to waste it and instead used it wisely.

Licking on my ice cream cone I made my way towards the park making it my last stop.Students weren't allowed to enter the uni after 10 pm and I made sure i reach there near 8 because I had few assignments to make.

The area I was in right now looked abandoned with little to no people here.Enjoying my time alone with my ice cream I had a bit of walk on the path etched on grass and trailing around.

I saw a man coming towards me head bent down walking quickly with a phone to his ear talking loudly as if he was angry.

I minded my own stuff and looked around.At the same moment the man bumped into me causing the ice cream in my hand to rub to his suit front.

Remind me again now why do everyone keep bumping into me.With that my ice cream cone fell down to the ground completely wasted.I looked up angrily at the man about to give him a lecture but he beat me to it.

"What the hell!!!"he roared,"Are you blind.Can't you see where you're going.You have ruined my blazer."he said in one breath now hung up from his call.

The man was actually hot and handsome.Like God really took his time in creating this one.He was a like a Greek God.Beautiful sharp piercing blue eyes,a slight upturned nose,lips that looked so soft and My God that Jaw it was so sharp it could cut through paper.Now I appreciate if someone was beautiful or handsome but too bad the looks were useless.This man looked full of ego.

"Excuse you..You are blind bumping like that into me.My ice cream got wasted because of you.My precious ice cream."I glared at him pouting a little.

No one messed with with my food.

But he was frozen for a moment as if he was relieving some memory.His eyes held a confuse stare as if he was wondering about something.But then he concealed his emotions and thoughts as if they weren't there and said with a blank face.

"Do you have any idea who are you talking to?How dare you disrespect me and talk to me like that.."He glared coldly at me.

"Im fed up with people asking me if I know them.What are you,'a celebrity'..I dont care.."I gave him one last glare and left the park.

"To hell with him and everyone."I mumbled.

Damon Vincenzo Salvatore

I was conflicted with work for this past week.Handling Mafia and corporate business was a lot to handle at young age and dad handing over the Mafia didn't helped at all.I know I have always wanted to be the don that's what I had always trained for but sometimes the work overwhelmed me disturbing my peace of mind.

Sighing I took a seat on the bench in the secluded area.It was less crowded here in this area of the park.Barely anyone could be seen.I would always come here to clear my mind when I was being too much burdenizsed.

The cool weather and slight wind was like a fresh breath of life making me relax.I closed my eyes a bit to feel the incoming relieve but like the universe had something against me.At the same instant my phone rang alerting me of the incoming call.

Sighing I took the phone out of my blazer's pocket and checked the id.


I knew better than discard it.I might be known as the scary ruthless Mafia don but that didn't worked in front of my mother.She was the scariest but I loved her more than anything in this world.

(A.N;The convo down is Russian)

"Privet"I said picking up the call.(hi/hello)

"Synok,gde ty?"Mom asked.(Son where are you?)

"Looking for some peace of mind."I said sighing heavily.

"Oh don't give me that bullshit Syn ,you forgot that it's been a week of us family having dinner together.I know you are busy with work these days but you're not going to neglect your family are you??"She said sternly and I was no fool to anger her.(Son)

"Mama,uvidimsiya cherez polchasa.How does that sound?"I asked hoping she would agree.(Mom I'll see you in half an hour)

"No excuses Dorogoy,come home right now."I sighed again knowing I won't be able to say no.Saying ok I hung up the call and stood up from the bench heading to my car.(Dear)

I got a call again and wondered who it was now.Checking it I saw my underboss's id and picked it up.

"Don,he's not saying anything.We tried our best."He said making me angry.

"Then do your level best.YA khocho hear that.."I roared because this man who was tied up in our warehouse for a week was giving me a headache now.(I want answers)

Suddenly I bumped into someone making me halt my steps.

I cursed under my breath seeing my blazer front ruined with ice cream which was now smashed to the floor.

I looked towards the person angrily and saw a girl looking at the ice cream cone on the floor now.Her face was covered with her hair while looking down.

"Are you blind.Can't you see where you going.You have ruined my blazer."I said in one breath angrily hanging up the call.

"Excuse you..You are blind bumping like that into me.My ice cream got wasted because of you.My precious ice cream."She pouted a little looking up at me but I was somehow frozen.

What in the name of Merlin is this???

Im not seeing things am I??The girl reminded me of Anthony.The Don of Italian Mafia and our family friend.She was the complete copy of him.I remember the Italian's losing their princess and only girl in the family many years ago kidnapped by the girl's uncle.I frowned a bit seeing her eyes.This girl had hazel eyes.As far as I remember 'Anastasia'yes that was her name she had grey eyes just like her siblings and her father.

Concealing my thoughts dismissing the possibility of her being someone just having a resemblance with him I said,"do you have any idea who you are talking to?How dare you disrespect me?"I glared at her.

"Im fed up with people asking me if I know them.What are you,'a celebrity'..I dont care.."She glared at me one last time and left.

Oh how dare she?No one has ever tried disrespecting me and get away with it.Girls either wanted to get close to me being gold diggers or rather stay away from me being terrified but this girl here simply just walked after giving me few glares here and there with a bit lecture.

I looked at my blazer realising it being smudged with ice cream probably going to leave a stain.I was angry with that man in the warehouse and now this girl ruined my blazer.

Cursing few more words I left for my car.

It has been an awful day.


So finally our main lead has been introduced.How do you find their interaction.It was amusing for me though.Their story gonna probably start with few cute harmless fights here and there.Stay tuned.Please vote,comment and share.

Happy Reading!!!

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