Chapter 13

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Anastasia Rose Romano

It's been a week of me being at the Romano's mansion and a month of me being in Canada.The week has been pretty good.Having enjoyable dinners and breakfasts.So far everyone has been nice and caring though Elias looks like being in his angry mood all the times.

I moved from my dorm room into the mansion.My room which was designed by Albert was very pretty and my style.I was so stunned to look around the next morning when I woke up after my stay for the first time.The beige coloured room and furniture was up to my taste.It was nicely decorated.

We also discussed some rules at the dinner table  which I remember was me only being sarcastic and my dear brothers on toes.


" now that you have moved in I would like to discuss some rules with you.."Dad announced while we were at the table having our dinner.

All my brothers suddenly looked up-tight paying attention to every single word.

Since I had always been taught manners by my papa I always obliged and listened attentively to my elders and followed them.So I nodded.

"It's Simple..Respect goes both ways So respect and be respected..You are old enough to follow rules but I would just want you to be safe and take care of yourself and try not to ever get in danger.Curfew timings are 11 so not a minute outside after that.Your school and college reports had been outstanding so I would like you to keep the streak no're the most intelligent among your brothers.."Dad finished with a joke.

"Hey.."all my brothers yelled in a playful tone except Anthony ofcourse.

Mom and dad just chuckled.

"Shouldn't you tell her that she isn't allowed to have any boyfriends nor in a friend neither in a romantic way.No boy is allowed to come near my sorellina.."Elias said angrily reasoning out with Dad.(baby sister)

The rest nodded in agreement with few 'yeahs'

I rolled my eyes and looked towards dad.

"I'm old enough to decide that.If I find someone suitable I would take a step forward rather that be a friend or boyfriend but I'll make sure to take advice from you.."Ignoring Elias words I spoke finishing with a small smile.

"See learn from your sister she talks politely and nicely.."Dad said proudly and mom just gushed in agreement.

I may not be a childish girl or very fun person but sometimes I get to act like one so I did nothing but poked my tongue out at Elias.

And the table burst out in laughter including Elias who was angry a minute ago and Anthony just gave a small smile.

Flashback End

I had a habit of waking early as I was an early bird so I did so although it was weekend.I got up,stretching a bit trying to get rid of the tiredness and entered the bathroom.

The joined bathroom was large enough to be called en-suite.There was a bathing tub surrounded with curtains in one corner,a glass shower,vanity with a big bathroom mirror and one side wall being a wide closet.

I did my morning routine,got freshened up and wearing a red hoodie which I had borrowed more like Stolen from Elias's closest because I had seen him wearing it and wanted it immediately.Well what are siblings for..To wear their cloths that you get to like.

Insert Evil laugh

I matched it with black jogging trousers with pair of Jordans and put my hair up in a pony tail I left my room.

Since it was weekend I was planning on doing a lil outing as I was feeling like needing it.It had become a habit ever since I was allowed to leave house after the feud had ended defeating the French.I would like to go around the place I lived in and doing little hangouts with Eunha.

I missed her.She and I were inseparable ever since we met and it's sad that she isn't here now for our weekend outings.

I climbed down the stairs and to the kitchen.I entered and came face to face with mom cooking breakfast and Dad,Tony and Leo sitting at the table talking while waiting for their breakfast.Albert was helping mum.The twin sets weren't here so they might be sleeping in as it was weekend.

"Good Morning."i chirped as I entered to take a seat.

All of them looked at me surprised stopping whatever they were doing.

They all greeted me good morning giving me smiles while Leo said,"Good Morning bambina..looks like someone is an early bird.." and the rest chuckled.

"Then maybe I'm going to be a good influence here for the rest.."I smiled sarcastically and said.

All of them chuckled while dad just shook his head.

"What would you like to eat caro.."Mom asked(dear).

"Boiled eggs,toast and tea please,"I replied back.

Mom gushed in amazement and proudness and said,"my brother really brought you up as a beautiful kind and sweet girl.."

Everyone looked at me with so much adoration and love and I just smiled shyly cuz I wasn't used to getting these much compliments all the time at a time.

Albert placed the breakfast in front of me and I thanked him getting a forehead kiss and a smile in return.

I looked up to see dad and my older brothers talking about work while having breakfast.

"Dad why are you guys working on weekend?"I asked confused seeing them all three dressed in pants and suits ready to go to the office.

Dad looked as if he was in shock and the rest also looked stunned.

"Oh dear you called me Dad.."he whispered said.

"Uhh..shouldn't I?"now more confused.

He immediately shook his head and said,"no amore it's just I was waiting for you to call me finally did I'm so happy."he wiped the few tears from corner of his eyes and smiled widely.(love)

He looked no where near a former mafia don at this point.He turned towards mom and said,"Ria you owe me money.She called me dad first.."he grinned widely at Mom while she huffed in return.

I stared widely disbelief in my eyes.They bet on that seriously.

I chuckled to myself shaking my head resuming to my breakfast.

"And to answer your question sorellina we have an important meeting today so that's why we need to go."Leo said answering my question.I nodded in return.(baby sister)

They finished their breakfast and stood up and left the kitchen not before giving me a head kiss each.

I sometimes would go shy by their affection and blushed.

Now it was only me and mom in the kitchen.Since I always had Eunha with me to hangout on weekend so now that I don't have her to accompany me maybe I could I ask mom.We would also be able to bond in this way.

"Umm Mom would you like to go for outing with me today."I asked nervously caressing my neck slightly.

Mom smiled widely as if she had gotten her favourite chocolate and nodded quickly in return.

"I would love to.."she said.,"What would you want to do?"

"Umm maybe we could go out do a little shopping and then some spa outing and maybe have a ice cream and then come back."I offered.

"That's a great idea..let me inform Alex and then we would head out.."I nodded and she patted my cheek as she left the kitchen to call dad.

I hope this makes up for the lost time of ours being together.


I always get these weird thoughts in my mind that who's gonna complete this book if I suddenly here's an update.Vote,share and comment please.

Happy Reading!!

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