Chapter 37

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Anastasia Rose Romano

Blinking my eyes,I adjusted my vision to the visible light in the room and let out a yawn.My eyes caught the unfamiliar ceiling in the room and I got confused about it being different.

My head was moving up and down lightly on a soft hard surface.

Does my pillow has the strange ability to move up and down but a pillow isn't hard unless the cotton in it is.

Alarmed I instantly picked my head from that warm surface but realised I couldn't move.Last night events came to my mind reminding me who I was with.

Damon's strong arms were wrapped around me as I was being hugged to his chest while he laid peacefully,breathing softly.

He looked so soft,less scary and more cute in his sleeping state.I perched my chin on my folded arms lying on his chest and examined him quietly.

I never knew all those events would turn out to this.Heck I didn't even had any idea that one day I was going to be lying in the arms of my unofficial enemy.I remembered the times in these past months,the way we only annoyed each other.Our talks were only limited to sarcastic bickering.

Didn't know how this likeness happened...couldn't say love yet but the feeling was close somehow.But however it happened I was glad that we sorted out our problems last night.I couldn't bear to be at the receiving end of his coldness when I just had to make my mind on not dwelling on my insecurity.

I watched how he slept,his beautiful long eyelashes touching his cheekbones,the light stuble on his face that made him look more manly,his striking blue eyes that had so much deepness to them but I couldn't see them as he was asleep,his plump lips that made me wanna ravish them so much.

You're having dirty thoughts now..Control bitch.

Ignoring my inner voice,I bent my head down and placed a small peck on his lips but as I was about to pull back,a hand cupped my head from back not letting me move away and instead deepened the kiss.

I smiled as Damon tried to enter my mouth but I instantly pulled away.

He whined at that.

"Love,why did you pull away??"he complained in his morning husky voice.

His forehead was covered with strands of his hair while the eyes still had slight sleepiness to them.

"Morning breath!!"i drawled.

"I don't care!!"He pouted.I looked at him surprised.

"Damon did you just pout??"I asked amazed.

He didn't reply but pulled me back to his chest,my head resting straight on his chest as I watched him snuggling into me.

My eyes started checking his morning face with the bed hair which made him look more ethereal.

How did I even bagged myself such a beautiful man

My eyes then zeroed to his cheek while looking at his facial features and suddenly I remembered the past night events.

I touched his cheek softly with my right palm which made Damon stop snuggling and look at me.

"What happened love?"He inquired worriedly,looking at my sudden gloomy expression.

I pouted sadly and rubbed his cheek softly.

"Nothing,just how I slapped you so hard last night,the mark is still there...I feel so bad—I'm so sorry."my eyes looked down immediately as I started tracing his chest cuz I was too ashamed to look at him.

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