Chapter 18

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Anastasia Rose Romano

It was Sunday.I was already done with few of my assignments from uni and today was the day for ball too.I was sitting in the tv lounge wide spread on the sofa scrolling through channels on the tv.I was getting bored at this point and the house was quiet too which was unusual.

Mom,Aunts and Isa went out to do some shopping as Aunts and Isa didn't had the dress for the hall.I doubt that though.The amount of shopping trips they always talk about they must have their closets full but still they wanted to get something new for the ball.

They wanted me to tag along but I wasn't a shopping girl so I refused.

My younger elder brothers were out with our cousins to God knows where while the eldest brothers and cousins went to the warehouse for some work.And about the grandparents and uncles and dad,they all were in some snooker room playing games and drinking wine.

"Huhhh"I blew out a bored sigh and flipped through the channels once again getting bored from the show playing on the screen.

"Ana what are you doing here?"I got startled with the sudden voice and as a result I fell down from the sofa.

Did I remind you that I get hella clumsy sometimes?

"Careful baby.."the voice was of Albert as he came near me and helped me get back on the sofa.

He sat beside me as I looked at him and said,"Didn't you go to the warehouse?When did you come back?"

"Just now..We were done with the work.The rest went to their rooms and I was passing by and I heard the tv playing so I wanted to see who it was.."

I nodded my head in understanding.

"By the way why are you here sitting alone?You didn't go with the others for shopping?"Albert asked.

I leaned into him as I spread my legs to other side and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Shopping is boring.Besides I didn't wanted anything to buy so I didn't go."

"Hmm but I thought girls like such things.You know shopping and stuff."

"Maybe they do but it's not my kinda thing.."I had placed my head in his lap now as he caressed my head softly.

He looked down at me and asked,"Then what's your kinda thing?"

"Hmm let's say..Reading books,Sketching in my free time,Visiting Art galleries and museums once in a while and also playing tennis.."I told him as I give him a smile.

"You like tennis?"He asked raising his brow in surprise.

"Yeah played it a lot in high school.Why??You play too??"

"I do..I have been playing since high school and played it during university period too.I was a champion of it.Got many offers to apply for the national team but I had no plans for it to be part of my future.I just played it as a hobby.But I stopped once I got busy with my medical studies."He explained.

I looked at him surprised.

"You are a doctor?"I asked him wide eyed.How many more shocks am I gonna get?

He chuckled lightly at my surprised expression and bopped my nose.

"You're so cute you know...And yeah I'm a doctor..Family doctor actually.."He gave me an endearing smile.

" are multi talented Al.You can cook,you can play tennis and you are a doctor.."I counted on my fingers and then looked at him but found him already watching me with this adoration look but a little sad too.

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