Chapter 42

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Anastasia Rose Romano

I needed few course books for my project work so I decided to get them from the same book store I usually visited once in a while.

So here was I,standing between one of the racks,looking for a new novel that I could read in my free time.As I was finished with getting my course books so I decided to get some new novels as well cuz I had already finished reading those back at my home library.

My phone tinged in my pocket,indicating I had gotten a msg.I took out my phone from my jacket pocket and opened the msg app to look for what it was.

Countdown soon sweetheart..

What the hell! Again??

I was so done now..It had been quite a few days after that family dinner and I was constantly getting such weird messages from different numbers cuz I was blocking each one of them.But they didn't stopped.

I hadn't told anyone of the first msg I got on that day of the family dinner nor did I informed anyone of these frequent texts I was getting although it wasn't right to keep it from anyone.

I just didn't wanted to worry anyone.

I had some hacking skills that I had learned from papa and some self-taught so I tried to hack all these numbers to find out who it was but in vain.They were all private with no location.

If this thing wasn't enough,the odd attitude of my brothers and boyfriend was bothering as well.It was like they were on their toes all the time like they were waiting for something to happen.

But of course they didn't knew I noticed all this.

They tried to act as much as normal as they could.And they were barely around as well.Damon had been distant and it bothered me and so were my brothers.I barely saw them.

So for my peace of mind,I thought of getting out of the house for a while but unfortunately I wasn't even allowed to go without guards anywhere.

Like Anthony literally made a fuss when I said I was going to the book shop on my own.But of course in the end I had to agree to get tailed by bodyguards if they kept their distance from me.They had come with me to the bookstore today as well.

And too much protection frustrated me.

I had been under protection all my life and I didn't bothered myself with it cuz it was necessary but now that everything was back to normal,I didn't liked being under supervision when I was out.

No French,No Australians and no one else wanted to mess with the four big mafias.So it irked me sometimes to not be allowed outside on my own.

I wasn't a rebellious girl.I never was.But I still was a teen adult..teen hasn't left from my body yet so I sometimes got moody.

I sighed as I cleared my head of the thoughts and looked at the unknown msg.

Oh let me just find you idiot,I'll deal with you very have ruined my peace of mind I thought as I blocked the number and deleted the msg.

Putting it back in my pocket,I moved my attention back to looking for a good novel to read.

I was looking through a literature shelf,moving my eyes on the spine of each book to check the names when one name caught my eyes.

Forbidden Flower

My eyebrows raised,impressed with the title and found it quite interesting.

I lifted my arm,putting my hand forward to grab the book off the shelf when another hand found the book before me,taking it out.

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