Chapter 6

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It's been a week of me being here in the university and a week of the Romano twins aka my brothers hot on my tail.I thought giving them a fake name would stop them and I really don't why I was doing it.I could simply just go to them and tell the truth but I was scared and no reason for that.I didn't knew how I felt about it.I was overwhelmed?confused?scared of rejection? Ohh I don't know.

But why were they watching my every move?Could they have found out the truth??Ahh I don't know..I simply have been avoiding them as much as possible and they were keeping a distance too for which I was glad.

Currently I was heading to the cafeteria because I have been starving literally because I didn't had breakfast in the morning.Why?because my lazy arse got up late ignoring the tons of alarms I had set..

I entered and was about to head to the canteen to fetch my lunch when suddenly someone bumped into me and guess what the instant drink I was holding got spilled.On the floor??oh no no!!on the person who bumped..

I looked up and came face to face with the fly of the uni I mean sorry Queen bee with her minions.She was covered in orange patches on her not so covered white dress..The dress was short barely covered anything..

"Oh how dare you,"She shrieked looking at her clothes.

"You ruined my expensive dress you scholar girl.Do you even know how expensive this is."she sneered at me.

From the corner of my eye I saw the twins coming to my rescue I suppose but I liked fighting my own battles and handled the situation before they could do anything.

"Oh darling!!the last thing I remember is you bumping into me not me.."I fake smiled my lips forming a thin line.

"How dare you accuse me..Do you even know who I am?"She glared as if I would get scared.

I smirked and said,"how would I if you have no Knowledge of knowing your own name."

The whole cafeteria burst into laughter watching the scene some watching wide eyed.Probably haven't talked back to the mean girl.

"Shut up,"She yelled quietening everyone and then looking back at me,"you gonna regret filthy stinky're so ugly.."she said out of nowhere.

"Well that's because you are looking at your reflection in the mirror.."I said amused.

"You...Go to hell.."She was literally shooting daggers at this point.

"But that's your residence sweetie.."I replied back.

Before she could say anything the twins stepped in stopping her.

"Enough Mackenzie..we don't want any trouble or you'll face the consequences.."David said a lil bit anger visible in his eyes but his face was stone cold.

"Why are you saying this to me..she is the one who started."She pointed at me.

I just raised a brow at her.

"Enough!!we saw ourselves whose fault it was..Now leave before we do something.."Dominic spoke this time.

She stomped her foot and left the place with her minions following her.

Wow they have quite a big influence in the university.I'm impressed.

"You okay.."David said softly.

Anozzer wow!!!

"Ahmm..I'm fine..thank you.."I said quickly and left the place not bothering to eat.They called after me but I didn't stop.I don't know why I ran from them again.This is not right..I should probably just tell them the truth at this point.

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