Chapter 15

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Third Person's POV

"Right Right..ok we'll be waiting.."and with that Alexander cut the call sighing.The Romanos as always were sitting in the living room after dinner when Alexander got a call of the arrival of the extended family.

"What's wrong dad?"Leo asked while the rest wondered as well.

"The family is coming..They are already in Canada.Max and Sandy,your grandparents with the kids are waiting for your uncle,aunt and cousins and mom and dad to arrive at the airport...They would come to the house together.."he explained.

"Really..yeahhh"The younger twins and Elijah exclaimed happily.Others were happy too but they don't act like kids of course including Elias.

"They always come unannounced don't they.."Maria chuckled to herself.

"Dad are we going to tell them about Ana being back?"Albert asked intrigued.

"Of course we're going to..They all will be happy to have their princess back..but we'll surprise them in the morning.We're not going to disturb our bambina's sleep.She woke up early today..must be tired.."Dad warned at the end.

"I'm curious how they're going to react.."Elijah wondered curiously.

"Probably shocked.."Dominic finished with the imitation of a shocked face and everyone snickered.

"Belle is going to be happy..Finally having a girl around..she feels suffocated with boys surrounding her all the time."Maria chuckled imagining the happiness of her only niece.

"Lilah too..she's gonna have a friend too.."David added.

"From Lilah I remember Dad did you tell Uncle Jack and Aunt Alina about our sorellina being back.?"Leo asked.(baby sis)

"Ahhh no this week was so much filled with only stuff about Ana that I forgot..We'll introduce her to them together at the Mafia Ball.."Alex answered.

And the rest nodded.


The bell rang alerting the residents of the house of the arrival of the family.

The younger kids ran of towards the door to greet their czns aka their friends and the family.

They opened the door excitedly shrieking with happiness hugging their age fellow czns.

"Hey guys you're finally's been long that we had been together.."David said.

"I know right..thank goodness we got a chance finally because of this mafia ball.."Romeo said.

The rest of the family just laughed at the younger kids being happy and excited.

"Get out of my way.."an angry voice said shoving her brothers out of the way and made her way into the living room.

"What's up with her?"Albert asked.

"Isa is angry because the boys were annoying her at the airport and all the way here because she has got a male friend at university.."Sandy explained chuckling and the women of the family followed but the men looked annoyed except for the the grandparents.

"She's not going to have any male friend.."Luca said angrily.

"Okay boys that's enough..come on guys come're not going to stand at the door are you??"Alexander said and they all started moving towards the living room.

"You look very happy Uncle and aunt.."Lorenzo asked curiously.

"When are we ever sad?"Alexander asked as he made eye contact with his wife and then his elder kids.

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