Chapter 29

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Anastasia Rose Romano

His hot breath brushed my lips as he sucked on them,sucking and kissing as if in a trance,a fumed trance with the way he was holding me flushed against the wall,my wrists caged by his large,rough hands.I couldn't comprehend as I was in an immense shock,my eyes wide open as I looked at his closed one.

Who unleashed the devil? I wondered.

When he saw that I hadn't responded,he slowly backed off,letting my wrist down from the caged position.His eyes had turned black from those striking blue,lust and anger visible in it but another one was also there but I couldn't put a finger on what feeling was it.

He was breathing heavily,having ruined my lips by kissing me so hard.

My heart beat at a pace I was scared it would escape the ribcage and come out.Blood pumped through my veins as I breathed like a fish out of pond.Let's say my mind had gone crazy from the early stunt of his in the mall that I couldn't control my frustration and pulled him through his collars, putting his mouth back on mine.

Damon froze for a minute but gave in as he kissed me back hard and I was no less.We both were in the heat of our anger,frustration and feelings we couldn't comprehend.He cupped my face as he ravished my mouth,tasting the every bit of it.

As this point we were just making out.

He tried to enter my mouth but I didn't let him so he bit my bottom lip causing me to gasp.Catching the opportunity,he explored the inside with his tongue leaving me breathless.And I was actually dead when he pulled my bottom lip with his teeth and let go.

That was so hot!! My conscience swooned.

He left my mouth,planting kisses on my jaw,going down to my neck.He peppered kisses with so much pleasure I could feel my knees about to sink to the ground from the weakness of the intensity.

God I have been never kissed like this..In Fact I have been never kissed in my life.I remember a boy in my school tried to kiss me once.I actually broke his jaw and was suspended for a week.I was 16 at that time.

Oh my God What the Hell I'm doing??Making out with my unofficial enemy!!

My eyes widened at the thought as I pushed Damon away from me causing a groan to leave his mouth.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as I glared at the culprit.

Well actually I reciprocated it too but still!!

"What the hell!!"I hissed,"Why did you kiss me?"i seethed.

A smug smile adorned his face as he raised a brow at me,his chest moving up and down heavily,"you kissed me the second time."

"But you started it.You stole my first kiss.."I blurted out angrily but then widened my eyes.It was quiet for a while suddenly.

This info was for me only Arghh..

And this time an actual smile appeared on his face,his eyes shining brightly,the pitch black irises turning back to blue.

"So should I be honoured that was your first kiss."he had the audacity to grin at that.

"Let me tell you..this kiss was nothing.Just the heat of the moment.I hope you don't get ideas from it and stay away from me.."I said angrily though my heart was beating unaware how to deal with these unknown weird feelings arising.

His expression changed at that,eyes turning to rage once again.He stalked closer to me,holding my arms firmly as he looked down at me.

"Nothing??They really mean nothing to you?"his face had turned blank,a cold look now on it.

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