Chapter 10

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Everyone was sat frozen looking at us more like me.

"Oh my God.."The woman let out a cry and stood up.

"My Baby Anastasia...Oh My God I can't believe you have come here..I don't think we would need a dna test.These features are too much Romano..."she finished whispering lightly but enough for everyone to hear.Her face was dampened with tears making me guilty for delaying the meet so much.

But I couldn't help but snort internally.Couldn't they see my eyes were hazel.Well they were lenses but still.

"I can be a doppelgänger too.."I started.

At this point I was just teasing them.

Evil me..ehh

"Well we would find out soon then.."an older man probably somewhat 43 sitting in the corner of the room said.

I just nodded and looked around the room.Five boys older than me were sitting on the sofas staring with their blank faces yet their eyes told a different story.They were anxious and desperate to find out the truth that if I was their sister or not.

So they want me..

It was a relief...I don't know...but somehow I wanted this acceptance...I noticed all their eyes were steel grey just like me.A family thing I see...My eyes locked with the one on my left and it was now my turn to get shocked.I let out a slight gasp looking at him.

It was just like looking at myself in the mirror but a slightly older self with manly features.I tried not to be too shocked and thankfully no one noticed well except for him.He was staring intently as if analysing me.

We looked like twins but him older than me.


"Come on Ana..Have a seat.."David told me.I hesitated slightly but nevertheless followed.

"So we have called our family doctor.He would be here soon for the tests..."The woman was hesitant to talk with me worrying if I would like to talk or not but informed me about the doctor.

When did they a call a doctor?Maybe when I was looking around analysing everyone.

I nodded and sat down quietly.I have never been nervous then why now.

I felt multiple stares boring into me.I sighed and looked up from my feet.

"Stop staring please..."and they quickly looked away feeling like deer caught in headlights.

"Lei è così carina.." one of them with jet black hair and light freckles on his face whispered shrieked to his brother sitting next to him.(She's so cute..)

Now I knew their names but not who was who...

They also didn't knew that I had a craze for learning new languages and Italian was one of them since it was my mother tongue so papa taught it to me but I wasn't going to tell them that.Might use it for my advantage someday.

"Lo so bene. Voglio pizzicare quelle sue guance carine."A boy slightly older then him replied back to him.(I know right.I want to pinch those cute cheeks of hers)

They were whispering according to them but it was anything but whisper.

"E hai dimenticato che anche lei ha le fossette. Che carino.." the other boy whispered back to him.(And you forgot she has dimples too.How cute)

I was surprised that they remembered since I had only spent 2 months with them.

"Fermati anche tu. Potrebbe essere una spia. Hai dimenticato quello che ha detto e se fosse una doppelgänger."Another one sitting a bit far from them spoke angrily.(Stop you too.She could be a spy.You forgot what she said what if she is a doppelgänger.)

Oh he's the twin of the boy who spoke first.

Well he is right too.I could be one.But what does he meant by spy.

"Quella faccia non mente Eli.." his twin reasoned with him.(That face doesn't lie Eli)

They all three turned at once to look at me.I quickly pretended that I didn't knew what they were saying and made a confused face.

"What's wrong??"I pretended.

Oh me and my acting skills..

"Nothing dear these boys just don't know when to shut up.."The woman smiled at me and then sent a glare to her sons.

"But mom.."the angry twin Eli or whatever his name was started.

"Abbastanza.." a cold voice roared calmly and I turned my head to see the one who looked like me or more like I looked like him said to them with a hard look on his face and his aura screaming nothing but Dominance and power.(Enough)

He must be the Eldest...

They all shut down and looked back to me.

It was getting awkward being in their intense gazes so I tried to start a conversation though I'm not one to do it.

"Umm.....ahh..I don't know your names but you know mine."i said in a low but steady voice.

"Oh how silly of us.We didn't introduced ourselves."The woman chuckled lightly and said.

"I'm Maria and this is my husband Alexander and these are my sons..Anthony the Eldest and then Leonardo the second eldest,Albert my third son and then the twins Elijah&Elias and the youngest know them..Though we have no doubt that you are our princess but after dna test proves it you are going to be the baby of our family..."Maria or mom pointed at each of them.All smiled at me except for Anthony,he just gave a nod and Elias who just glared...

What is his problem...

Should I tell them that there is no need for the dna test but nahhh they should be given a chance for this thing to be fully proved.

I simply nodded and at the same time the doctor arrived to do the test.

He took my blood and left for the lab saying that the results would take Atleast 5 hours.

That long...

I stood up to excuse myself and leave back for uni.It has already been an hour of me being here and everyone has been nice except for Elias the asshole but I guess I would survive.

"Umm Ana would like to stay for dinner.The tests will come till then.."Maria asked with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Umm the uni would close at ten and I have to go back and do some uni work too.."I reasoned I just wanted to leave the place.I was too overwhelmed.

"As for the results the twins can inform me tomorrow..."I gave them a small smile and left the place.

I know they would be disappointed but I needed some time to think.The results would be out soon and they would find out that i am their daughter.

Though I was happy I won't be rejected but everything was still so overwhelming.

I had neither my papa or Eunha to hype me up but I have to give them a chance too.After all they are my bios.And all this staying away for years was for what..

For them to have me alive and safe back...



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