Chapter 3

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It was Monday finally which meant I had classes starting today.I gave myself a brief tour yesterday learning the passages and all so I won't be lost.

I woke up today feeling a lil bit upset.I had received a msg from Eunha wishing me birthday but it's been more than a year that I had stopped celebrating it after my Papa's death.He would always make that day memorable for me.

I had gotten ready and grabbing my bag with books and my phone and wallet I left the dorm to have breakfast in one of the on-campus cafés.

I had made up my mind of doing some research about my family after getting done with my classes.I think they deserve to know that their daughter is alive.While wanting me or not is a later thought to worry about.

Maria Romano

Me,my sons and my husband we all were gathered together sitting at the breakfast table with a cake and our baby girl's 2 month old picture on it.If she was here she would have been turning 19 today.

We all have been mourning in our own ways.How I wish she was here with us.We had no idea how our baby was.If she was no more,or was she alive so how was she??Numerous questions were there without any answers.

When she went missing 18 years and 9 months ago,everyone in our family went ballistic searching for her in every corner of earth but found nothing.

Ivano had went missing the same day which meant he took her away but why we didn't know.

Xander looked for both of them constantly for 5 years but found no direction causing us to lose hope.

So it became a ritual.All her big brothers and us parents would sit down together on her birthday cutting the cake on her behalf and just praying for her to be safe if there was any chance that she was alive.

She was the only girl in the family of Romano's and that left a huge scar on everyone.Her brothers who were so sweet,bubbly and happy all the time especially when she was born had all turn ice cold in nature and distant but that doesn't meant that they didn't give time to family and each other.

Elders would sit down watching the younger goof  around and do stuff.But that was all limited for the family.

My eldest Anthony was the most coldest among them.But he loved his family a lot just not much of a participant rather observer.

I realised that I was silently crying thinking about everything.Xander side hugged me rubbing my back.

"Don't cry my love"

"I just wish my baby girl was here"i rasped my voice heavy.

"I know amore I know,"He replied.(Love)

"Mum is it that bad that my heart says that our principesse is alive," Albert my third son whispered sadly but loud enough for all of us to hear.

I just squeezed his hand in return not knowing what to say.

"Alright let's cut the cake so Dominic and David can leave..They are getting late,"I swallowed a lump and said while wiping my tears.

They nodded.


I was done with two of my classes for the day and was heading to the cafeteria for lunch.

The place was filled with students talking,laughing and all.Ignoring them I collected my lunch and took a seat on a vacant table.

I felt prickling on my sides realising that some of the students were staring.How rude!!

I glared at them and they cowered back resuming to their own talks.I even heard a girl sitting on a nearby table saying to her group of friends,"do you know she is the new scolar ship winner this year.Poor thing has to study on scholarship."and they laughed with her like it was some kind of joke.

I scoffed internally.What was so bad in studying on scholarship.Hmph...

I continued eating but that was disturbed when the students around talking with each other quietly started talking loudly.The buzzing got louder especially the girls shrieking happily and all and I looked up from my food and saw two boys had entered but their backs were turned while they were grabbing their lunches.

Why so loud...Don't tell me they are some popular freaks around here.I mentally rolled my eyes.

Girls around here were so annoying busy checking them out and squealing saying only one thing,"OMG they are so handsome.I wish I could have one of the twins."

The twin boys turned around and I froze.Oh Shit Sherlock....No way in hell...I panicked...The eyes got me...They were the same as mine...Steel grey with specks of black.Not a lil bit difference...mine were just covered with hazel lenses as it had become habitual for me to wear them.

The boys looked somewhat 20,both with brunette hair,lean muscular bodies that were hidden under those fashionable oversized shirts,their height measuring somewhat 6,2..they were devilishly handsome...but that didn't bothered me...Their faces held no emotion whatsoever blanked completely eyes ice cold.

I was still frozen and shocked by the eyes,my fork hanging mid air and me looking at them dumb founded.

Why do they have similar eyes to me...

Though there were hundreds of people on earth with steel grey eyes but theirs matched mine too much...

Could they be...

Your brothers...

Suddenly they turned and glanced around my side of the tables and their gazes locked with mine.Now it was their time to freeze.

I don't know why it happened but I was suddenly overwhelmed that if somehow they turned out to be those whom I'm thinking I was feeling weird.I don't know these feelings but they can't recognise me right??I'm wearing lenses.

They were staring hard and intensely and I somehow panicked and it was my queue to leave.I stood from my table,picked up my trash and dumping it I immediately left the cafe and head to one of the big lawns of the university.

I paced two and fro overwhelmed not knowing what to do.

"Hey wait listen"

I whipped my head and looked towards my side.There they both were standing with hundreds of emotions now visible on their faces.


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