Chapter 33

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Anastasia Rose Romano

My eyes opened instantly as I woke up feeling thirsty.I looked to my bedside table checking for any bottle I brought up with me but there was none.It was currently 1:38 am in the morning and I was too lazy to go down.But I couldn't sleep back without having some cool water too.

Letting out a big yawn,I looked out through the window at the night sky.It was dark outside considering it was a little after midnight.The night sky was littered with sparkling stars glowing like diamonds while the moon peeked out of the barely visible clouds,shining brightly as it lightened the night with its glow.

I peeled off the duvet of me as I stepped up from my bed standing barefoot.Putting my slippers on I let out another yawn as I moved lazily across the room walking towards the door.

Opening the door I stepped out closing it behind stepping into the huge hallway.The lights were still on,making it easy to walk through the huge corridors.The cool chilly air hit me as I made light steps,walking towards the kitchen.

I hope nobody is awake I thought.

I remembered the last time when I had made a trip like this.The way Seb had gotten scared and accused me of being a ghost that looked like Anthony.I smiled remembering that.He had acted like an idiot.I never knew I was gonna end up meeting the whole family that night.It was actually overwhelming.

The way I always had a doubt of not being liked by any of them or being casted as outsider cuz I wasn't with them all that time.This doubt had been eating me inside.It was the reason why I had delayed letting to have a meet with my family.

It scared me.

But the way they all were so happy and relieved to have me back well and alive had me feel just so happy.I was glad they didn't do what I had always thought.They made me feel loved.They accepted me and cared for me.

I was just so vulnerable when papa had died.Those times after his death were miserable for me.But I was glad to have gotten more people like him to love me.For which I would be always be grateful.

It's been just more then three months of being them and I felt like I was the luckiest girl on this Damn big earth.

Smiling to myself I shook my head of the thoughts and entered the kitchen.

Another yawn escaped my mouth as I wondered why was I feeling so tired when I had done nothing except sit around and rest.

I took out a glass from one of the cabinets and a water bottle from the fridge as I filled the glass up with water.

Christmas was in two days too.I was actually very excited for it.I loved Christmas.I actually loved the festive vibes it carried.Gifting each other,decorating,setting up a tree and having snacks and especially hot chocolate,that was what I was looking forward to.

I gulped down the water,calming my thirst as I washed the glass and put it back.I picked up the water bottle to put it back in the fridge.I turned around but jolted like a bolt hitting me as I saw the muscular figure of the only person whose thoughts had been invading my mind a lot lately.

Damon walked into the kitchen bare chest!! Repeat after me BARE CHEST!!

Damn those muscles on his arms as he moved and those luscious abs had me go in a frenzy.His trousers lay low on his lips giving a show of his V-line.I gulped as I scolded myself.

Keep your hormones in check girl..I whispered to myself.

He hadn't noticed me yet as he walked inside, his eyes on his phone while I stood frozen,the water bottle held tightly in my hand.

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