Chapter 24

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Anastasia Rose Romano

Gunshots were heard startling everyone.The few people in the park and surroundings shrieked running away for their lives causing havoc and panic to other individuals.The seen was no less then a crowd saving themselves from wild fire getting to them.

Our bodyguards surrounded us,ready to kill and protect.The girls moved closer to me as I stood rigid dwelling what had just happened.Before any one of us had the chance to inform the family back at home the guards were shoot unconscious leaving us four unprotected.

"Not so fast beauties.."few men armed with guns tucked to their waistbands surrounded us ready to take us down.They were big and buff as they all formed a circle leaving no way for us to escape.We backed off into a tree,me at the front while I had tried covering the rest with my arms and instead of getting scared I glared at all of them,keeping a stoic expression.

They made way for the one who had just talked and seeing his face I realised he was the third in command whose face I had seen few days ago on Leo's laptop when all the men were discussing business.

"What do you want Cole?"I spat.

"Ohh what a surprise the Italian Mafia princess knows my name.I'm honoured..."he gave me a mocked bow while a sickly smirk plastered his ugly face.

Wheels starting turning in my head as I tried looking for a way to deal with the situation.

"Isa do you know how to fight??"I whispered side eyeing her as she stood behind my back fear visible on her face while few tears had come out from her eyes by now.

"No..I only know basics..never had an interest nor anyone taught me.."she clutched my blouse sleeve  from the back while she whispered.

"You Lilah??"

"Only basics.."

I cursed in my head knowing I was alone in this.I can't put Eunha at risk.I had promised to take care of her.

"But I know how to.."Eunha whispered slight fear struck to her voice.

"No Eunha.."I warned her,"I had promised your parents I would take you back to them safely.."

"But—"I cut her as I said,"when I say run..don't look back and hide where your aren't visible.I'll come to you once I'm done here..Be careful there could be more and yeah also inform the family when you get the chance.."

"Ana what the think you can face these 7 men alone..Are you crazy?"Isa whispered yelled.

"No time for negotiation.."

"Enough of the whispering..."Cole's voice boomed as he ordered his men,"get them all into the car.."

I took a step to my right and in one swift motion knocked the man unconscious.

I pushed the girls towards that way as I yelled,"Run and don't look back.."and they did so.

The men motioned to follow them but I was quick as I stepped in front of them stopping them.

"You could you let them run?"he moved forward hurriedly as he held me by my hair making me yelp in pain but I mummed pressing my upper teethes to my bottom lip.

His eyes reeked of anger as he laughed evilly,"We'll find them too but let's deal with you first..."he pulled my hair more tightly.His eyes held so much madness as his eyes flashed evilly.

He ordered two of his men to go after them and suddenly I was scared of them being hurt.I had to stop them.

I dipped my head through his arm moving my head in the position that I had gotten the control of his arm.He let go of my hair due to the sudden swing and I took the opportunity and twisted his arm hitting him.

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