Chapter 38

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Anastasia Rose Romano

"Damn!!Stop ogling—it looks as if you are ready any minute to pounce on him and devour him,"a voice besides me sounded and I turned my head to the  figures of two girls wearing fitted tops and shorts approaching me.

Everyone has decided to go out of the house for some outing and it was decided that we should visit the private beach owned by the family.

So here was I,resting on one of the resting chairs under the shades as I watched the others swimming and playing games while the older ones were inside the beach house on the property.

"Well that's my boyfriend so I'm allowed to look,"I uttered,batting my eyes at Isa and Lilah and pulled my attention back to the task of ogling.

I watched how that ripped,toned and muscled body of Damon shined in the afternoon sun,his muscles stretching with every move he made while playing volleyball,his visible abs on display while that shorts that he was wearing,riding low on his hips.I was practically drooling at this point.

Damn!! Control yourself bitch..

"Eww Eww,whatever you are thinking,please divert your mind from it for a while—even if I support you in this matter,I don't want to think of anything inappropriate,"Lilah shuddered.

They both took a seat besides me each while I raised an eyebrow at Lilah for what she said.

"And what was I thinking?"

"That look on your face says it all...control it!"

I scowled and hit her on the arm while Isa laughed out loud.

We sat there quietly for a while,watching the boys play.I was so surprised when I saw the three elder Mafia guys—I mean those three scary men—I mean My Dear Older Brothers joining the younger to play when till the level I have come to know them in these past three months,it was a miracle if they were doing something like this.

Those three guys were so hung up with their works always.

I shook my head at the thought and closed my eyes to rest a bit.Half of the day at already passed and we spent all of the morning just swimming and playing games.I was already exhausted although it was still a bit time left for the evening to turn in.

"So what are we doing on the New Year this year?"Isa beside me asked.

"Well the same ofcourse—men in the kitchen and woman together in the living room hanging out,"Lilah replied.

This perked up my interest as I opened my eyes to look at my left.

"You do that every year?,"I asked softly as the feeling of longing and sadness filled me.

Christmas and New Year celebration were two holidays that I loved to celebrate and enjoyed till the age of 17.Me and Papa would always spend the whole day shopping at random shops,buying random stuff and window shopping most of the time and then spending the evening baking cookies and eating delicious dinner and finally ending the night with wishing each other Happy New Year at 12:00 Am,going to bed at midnight.

I missed those times and I missed papa.

I hope you are happy and looking over me.

I prayed in my heart as I looked up at the sky,a sad smile visible on my face.

Lilah was telling something which I hadn't heard since I was lost in thoughts.

"Sorry Lilah—Could you repeat what you just said?"

"Of course—I was just telling you about how we spend New Year each Year.Each year on the 31st,it's a relaxation day for woman while the men,from The Youngest To The Eldest all work together in the kitchen to make different New Year dishes for the dinner while the women just sit in the living room,watching tv shows or chatting randomly.Then after dinner,a bbq stove is set outside in the garden and everyone lurks around there till midnight,"Lilah explained happily.

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