Chapter 28

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Anastasia Rose Romano

I strode back to the house as I entered the big hallway.I was about to climb the stairs when I came face to face with a blank looking Leo standing on the stairs,looking down at me.

His arms were folded to his chest,a frown on his face as he analysed my state.I was completely drenched from top to bottom,my hair sticking out in places, being wet.

His lips were turned into a displeased manner as he raised a bro at my frozen state,looking up at him.I swear I could see smoke coming out of his ears.

Though to me Anthony was the scariest but Leo was no less.He had the same scary aura as Tony.


I sneezed suddenly as I clenched my eyes shut from the impact and then gazed at a fuming Leo.

"Who gave you the permission to leave your bed??Why were you out in the rain??Did you even see the weather outside??"He started.

I shifted on my feet as I answered,"I was getting bored.."

"For God Sake if you were bored you could have done something inside the house..Why did you even go out when you know the harsh weather..what if you get sick now??"he roared in a calm voice as he started descending the stairs.

He rarely gets angry like this but when he does he looks scary.

I pouted at him as he came closer,"I have always enjoyed being in the rain since childhood so I thought I could go outside for a while."

He sighed heavily at my puppy eyes as he pinched
his nose.

He pulled me into his warm hug not caring about my wet clothes,"What am I going to do with you hmm??"I snuggled in his hold as I giggled at his dramatic tone.

"You won't tell Tony will you??I swear he becomes a possessed bull.."I backend from the hug as I looked up at him.

He chuckled as he booped my nose shaking his head.

"If you promise you won't do something like this again then maybe I'll think about it.."I whined at that causing him to laugh again.

"Well come on up to your room.You need to change or you'll catch a cold."he held me by shoulders pushing me forward up the stairs as I sneezed again followed by a cough.

We climbed up the stairs as we walked through the hallways to my room.

As we were turning a corner,Damon crossed our path.

He and Leo smiled at each other and then his eyes caught mine.Our gazes locked briefly,taking my mind back to what he had just done a while ago.Blush covered my face and neck as I quickly averted my eyes and quickened my steps.

We entered my room with Leo placing himself on my bed as I strode over to the bathroom to take a warm shower and change.

I changed into a white Cotten shirt with black baggy pants and slippers as I was at home.I exit the bathroom as I got near the bed with a seated Leo,a white towel in his hand.

"Come here.."he motioned me to sit besides him as he turned my back to his and started rubbing the towel on my wet hair to dry them.

I'm surprised he knows that I rarely use dryer for my hair and let them dry naturally instead.The silence was comfortable as we sat there quietly,none of us making a convo.

I realised I had spent very less time with Leo these two months being here.Sometimes he would be busy or sometimes me.

"Leo.."I started.

"Hmm.."he replied softly.

"What do you like doing most??"I asked.

"Why do you ask??"

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