Chapter 22

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Anastasia's POV

I woke up feeling stiff and tired as the last night events replayed in my mind and I looked at my tightly wrapped hand.

Yawning I stretched a bit to release the fatigue and to take a quick shower to freshen up as it was Monday that meant I had to attend my classes today.

I forced myself to leave the warmth of the bed and dragged my still not fully waken body as I made my way into the bathroom and did my morning routine.It was a habit to ponder over past events for a while until I would finish with the shower because that was the only time I did so.

I was not one to drag past in my present and future and would always let it go because past can only affect your mindset.But I would do this ritual of pondering on it for few minutes in the shower.

Life was going good lately except this Australian commotion coming in between.I had already made a good relation with the family and everyone was understanding too.The only thing that I regret from my past is that Papa couldn't make it with me till today and forever.

He was the person who gave me all the love in the world when I was needed of it.He was my mentor,someone I would always look up to,the way he never ever scolded me or got mad at me,always trying ways to keep me happy so that I won't have a tough life staying away from my family.


"Stacy..dear where are you?"An 8 year old me came running out of my room after hearing papa's voice.Papa called me Stacy because it was his daughter's name and he considered me the same as his deceased daughter.

It was weekend which meant that I was going to be taken out to the amusement park for the rides.But we couldn't make it this weekend as Papa had been very busy with the restaurant which meant he had to be at work even on weekend.

I was sad thinking we won't be going but when Papa called me the next day of the weekend I didn't knew he had finished all of the two days work in one day for me to be able to visit the amusement park.

"Yes Papa.."I gave him a toothy grin.

"Stacy my child..let's go.."he said giving me a full blown smile.

"Where papa?"A curious me asked him with my big smiling eyes.

"Il mio uccellino"(my little birdie)he ruffled my hair to which I shoved his hand giving him a playful glare and he chuckled,"La mia bellezza let's go to the amusement park just like we go every weekend."(my beauty)

"But papa what about your work.."I was quite smart for my age and knew everything.

"That I have finished so now we can go.."

And I was so ecstatic that I started jumping around from excitement as Papa watched me a grin spread on his face.

Flashback ends

I smiled as I remembered this particular memory from my childhood and as always thankful that I was provided with this happiness.

Oh papa I wish you were here..

I sighed as I turned off the faucet and stepped out,wrapping a towel around me.Entering my closet I rummaged through a suitable outfit for today and I was feeling lazy so I went for a cozy one.

I chose a white tank top,with a navy cardigan,a white sailor pants and paired them with sneakers.Tying my hair up in a ponytail,I fetched my phone,my bag,putting my needed books and laptop I left the room.

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