Chapter 40

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Anastasia Rose Romano

"Hmm"I sighed softly as the cool wind hit me while i made my way through the exit of the uni and out into the grounds.

The weather had finally settled down to perfect after a week of continuous rain.And the cool breeze along with it was just chefs kiss.

Well May had officially started.

My life was going much smoother than I had imagined.I was happy having a loving family and a boyfriend and couldn't help but thanked the heavens to have settled down for something normal in my 19 years of life.

I was glad that there were no more threats lingering on me and my family's back as no one wanted to mess with such powerful mafias anymore.

Many had tried but failed and in the end let the legacy of the powerful to continue.

I quickened my pace towards the parking lot as I knew David and Dominic would get grumpy if I made them late today.

The idiots had the day planned with their friends and wanted me to go home by myself or with my other brothers cuz after that incident with our driver back stabbing us,we stopped hiring anymore and resided to driving ourselves to wherever we wanted to go.I didn't had my license yet so I couldn't drive on my own and me being me,I loved teasing my not so precious brothers,so I insisted on going to uni and going back home with them.

I loved a little sibling teasing.

You're conscience tsked.

I reached the parking lot but to my surprise,there was no car of ours nor a sign of either of the twins.

Don't tell me those idiots actually left me behind

In the morning they had threatened me that if I was even a minute late then the time they had given me,then they would leave me on the spot and I would have to wait for someone else to fetch me.

I'm so going to complain to mum,no I'm actually gonna tell dad,well nahh dad doesn't scare them much—I'm surely gonna tell Tony..i complained internally.

I stomped my foot on the spot and was about to turn around to go back inside the uni when I heard one of the cars in the parking lot honking at me.

I turned towards it to find the owner coming out of it.

"Damon"I exclaimed as I rushed towards him and into his arms.

He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around my body,pulling me into a hug.

"Oh my God! When did you come back?I missed you so much."I mumbled into his shoulder as I squeezed the life outta him.

He chuckled once more holding onto my excited form and rubbed my back softly.

We let go of each other as he cupped my face,pulling me into a soft yet deep kiss.Getting breathless,we pulled apart and joined our foreheads together.

"I missed you"he whispered,his voice raspy from the kiss.

"I have missed you so damn much"he said once again and pulled me back into a hug.

Damon was away for a month to somewhere on Mafia business and it was just so hard to be away with a little contact as he was in a place where contacting me or anyone wasn't easy.

After coming back from Italy,we had spent almost every weekend together or meet during one of the weekdays.But then him suddenly leaving for a business trip for the entire month was so difficult.

I couldn't help but smile and dug my head deeper into his shoulder to be finally back into his arms after a whole month of being apart.

"So that's why I couldn't spot the two maniacs here,"I giggled.

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