Chapter 32

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Third Persons POV

"Finally you guys are here.."said Isa as she placed herself on one of the couches,"I'm so happy that Ana is here too.It'll be so much fun.."she grinned as she looked for Ana's figure around the living room but frowned when she found nothing.

"Wait a second.."she exclaimed as she stood up immediately alarming everyone in the room.

"What happened Belle??"It was Ace as he looked at his baby sister.

"Where is Ana??"She said causing everyone to look around as well.

"Yes where is she?"Romeo asked too,"didn't she come with you??"he scratched his head wondering why she wasn't there when he had just seen her face a while ago when he went to the main door to great the family with other kids.

"Ooh you know her..must be examining each and everything antique around the hallway on the way here.."Maria chuckled telling them about her precious daughter's obsession for art and antiques.

"Yeah every single piece back home has a full history narrated by our Artist Ana.."Albert added grinning while everyone chuckled at their girl's cute habit.

The twin sets rolled their eyes as Elijah cried out dramatically,"You mean eating out our minds with her historical knowledge then yes she does it.."

"You have a mind Liji??.."Isa gasped dramatically as she teased him.Everyone laughed at that.

He glared at her as he said annoyingly,"First of all I have warned you not to call me by that dumb name..second I have one of the sharpest minds in the world.."he flipped his imaginary hair as he held his head high in pride.

Isa giggled annoying him further,"in your dreams.."she drawled.

She shrieked as she saw Elijah getting up from his place.She knew what was coming next...him torturing her with tickles cuz all the brothers knew she was extremely ticklish.

"Tony.."she ran to the side of her cousin brother as she hugged him from the sides.Anthony lips quirked up a little at that as he hold onto a tightly hugging Belle while he gave Elijah a glare.

Elijah backed off muttering about him not being fair while Isa smirked at him.The Elders shook their heads at the kids antics because they knew it was an everyday occurrence.

"I am going to look for Ana.."Romeo announced as he stood up to go out.

"We're coming too.."Isa detached herself from Anthony as she stood up,taking Lilah's hand in her hold,pulling her up and followed Romeo.

They went out as they walked through the huge circular hallway but found no Ana.Passing through the stairs they saw her standing at the door while someone stood by her side,him facing her while his back was to the them.Romeo was oblivious but Isa and Lilah noticed.They were standing so close,frozen at one place.

Both Isa and Lilah's head turned at the same time as they both gazed into each other's eyes and a similar thought passed their minds.They smirked at each other and than giggled.

"Do you think something's going on between them?"Isa stopped Lilah holding onto her arm.

"I don't know but something's fishy.."she whispered back at her.

"Should we play the Cupid??"Isa suggested.

"I think it's better they sort whatever it is themselves.What if it's nothing and they just normally talking while we assume the worse.."She mumbled keeping her voice low and then added,"Though I would love to have Ana as my sister-in-law.."

"Hmm.."Isa's lips turned into a thin line as she reciprocated the causes and effects,"Alright but I'm sure there is something going on between them.."

They were walking slowly as they heard Romeo calling Ana's name.Both of them two turned from the door back to look at the joined party.

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