Chapter 11

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Third Person's POV

The Romanos were feeling disappointed that Ana rejected their invitation for the dinner.They just wanted to spend time with her.They weren't bothered by the fact that the Paternity Test is soon going to reveal the truth but a wave of anxiousness floated through their minds.

What if she's saying the truth and she's someone who just looks like Anthony assuming her to be their long lost daughter but she has Romano features especially the eyes but they haven't seen those pair of eyes yet...But she has too much similarities with their baby girl.

They couldn't decide anything.

Differnet thoughts occupied different minds at the moment so there was no choice but to wait for the results.

They prayed in their hearts for her to be the one.

The loss and pain they all had faced should come to end now so they could cherish her with the love and adoration they couldn't give her for the past 18 years and 10 months.

They still remembered how happy and ecstatic everyone in the family was when they got to know that the Romanos were at last blessed with a Baby girl after three or some more decades.

They cherished the little one with only love and care.The big brothers were happy to have a little sister and the parents were happy to have a daughter but imagine the demise and pain and loss they felt when one night their daughter was taken away by none other then her own uncle for what reason no one had any idea.


They all waited for the results and soon it was time for dinner.

They were having dinner peacefully but anxiousness coursing through them and the minute had come for the revelation.

"Don the Doctor is here..." one of the guards informed the Don and the family.

The all stopped their dinner time in between and head to the living room where the doctor was waiting.

"Where's the results??"The Don asked in his usual cold but authoritative voice having a stoic face.

"Here don.."he handed the papers saying,"I should be leaving..congratulations don.."and that was enough for everyone to pick their interests.

Anthony opened the envelope and took the papers out looking through them.

"What is it son..please tell?"Maria whispered anxiously wanting to be notified quickly.

"Positive.."he said simply and the one word was enough to bring them all to tears.Even Elias who wasn't happy with it..why??because he was worried that if his bambina (baby) got exposed to the Mafia world he was scared that she would be taken away again.He loved her too much for all that to happen again.But nevertheless he still got teary.

The couple were crying lightly but those were happy tears while hugging each other.Leonardo,Elijah and the twins were smiling widely their eyes filled with tears and Anthony well he was a different story.

His face was the same cold,stoic but his eyes showed something else.His heart finally felt at peace knowing that his bambina was well and alive.

What more made his heart happy and proud was that she was just like him.Looked the same as him.And he couldn't be anymore happy.

Anastasia Romano

It was time to completely take off my hazel lenses and expose my real eyes.

Steel Grey!!

And I was proud of them.I had to shrug of this habit of wearing lenses now.Before it was for protection because I was only allowed out of the house when I had them on and a mask along with it.

But after the problem ended I just got the habit of wearing them daily.

And since my bios are going to find the results soon so it was time to show them my real irises.

I was going through the corridor after my last class when I heard someone shouting my name loudly.

I had just turned around to face the person whoever was making a racket by shouting this loud.

But I was soon tackled to the ground with two muscular bodies hugging me tightly and I had an idea of who it was.

I groaned loudly feeling my back aching a little.

"Get of me you buffoons.You're crushing me.."I said and they got off and helped me stand up and then Dominic hugged my tightly as if I would disappear.

"Finally...I get to hug you..I have missed you so much for the past years although we were quite young when you were taken.We're so happy to have you back.."he mumbled on my shoulder and I couldn't help but smile slightly to myself.

I was happy too that after my papa and my best friend of course I still had someone to love me.I wanted to build a relation with them too and what's more good then accepting them already but still baby steps..

"Okay now..Get off and let me hug her.."David released me from Dom and hug me tightly too causing me to chuckle.

"Okay okay I know you're happy but I can't breathe.You're suffocating me.."I patted his back lightly for him to get off.

They both chuckled in return and David let me off the hug giving me a peck on forehead.

I blushed slightly because I was only used to my papa giving me forehead kisses.

I saddened slightly but then I remembered the promise papa made me do.To always be happy and to give my bios a chance.

I hope you're finally in peace and happy now papa..

"Ana.."a hand waved in front of me making me snap out.

"Sorry I zoomed out.."I said sheepishly.

"It's okay.."David said."by the way everyone's waiting for you at home.You're going to come with us right.."he asked and I nodded in return.

They smiled brightly and I gave one to them in return.

I have been smiling too much these days.

That's what called David&Dominic effect.

David gasped and pointed at my eyes.

"You took off your lenses.."

"How do you know I was wearing lenses before.."I raised an eyebrow knowing fully well how.

"I umm..i.."he rubbed his neck not telling what they did.

I chuckled and said,"I already know.You entered my room without permission as well as the girl's dorms.."I crossed my arms and glared playfully.

"How did you know.."Dom dramatically gasped.

"I was in the bathroom at that time and was about to come out when I saw you both enter and watched you through the door didn't even checked properly around for some presence.."I scoffed.

They smiled sheepishly at me and suddenly they both hugged me from sides.

Guess they are huggers...

"So who's the baby now..."David asked Dominic with a mischievous look side hugging me.

"Of course our Ana.."Dom said and they both picked me up walking with me hanging to both their sides while we walked out towards the parking lot.

Get ready to be embarrassed Anastasia...

I smiled to myself feeling somewhat happy and lively after Papa's death.

These two idiots had grown on me too much and I was hopping that the rest brothers were nice too well just a wish that they all aren't too much annoying and over protective cuz I have a really good punch.



I don't have any idea while writing this where was my mind.I just wrote what crossed my mind while writing.I hope my silent readers would comment so Atleast I get to see if this book is likeable or not.

Happy Reading!!

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