Chapter 27

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Anastasia Rose Romano

It was the end of November hence the weather was getting colder with a cold winter breeze blowing that could get one sick any time.It was Wednesday afternoon but there was no sign of the bright winter sun up in the sky.Three days to the incident had passed.Eunha and her family had left the next day after making sure I was feeling alright.

I was on a strict bed rest as per Dr Albert's orders but it wasn't like I was allowed to shorten my rest period.My family was on high alert not to let me do any physical work or anything at all.They were just treating me like a fragile China doll.Like come on I was hurt in the head not in my feet that I can't leave the bed or walk.

Clouds had decked up the blue sky,turning it into a dark colour of the shadow.Rain poured down from the sky in a gentle rush creating puddles outside in the back yard and the front garden.It splattered against my room windows reminding me of my pleasant childhood memories.


I had always been a rain enthusiast and loved to play in the pouring water.It was a fun game for me.Jumping in the puddles,dancing around and enjoying myself.

We had this little backyard in our house that was play spot for me all the times I had stayed at home.I remembered how papa would scold me for getting myself wet in the rain and then catching a cold afterwards.He tried once,twice,thrice but stopped but his worry never would cease.

Fussing over me was a normal thing since the day one.

"Stacy.."the warm voice of my papa called me out after he saw me jumping up and down in the puddles formed in the backyard due to the heavy rains for the past few days.

He came out and got near me and I did nothing but just giggle at his playful narrowed eyes.He knew I had dirtied my clothes again.I was just 7 at that time.

"Little devil.."he picked me up and spun me around as I shrieked with laughter.

"What am I gonna do with you??"he sighed dramatically and booped my nose.I gave him a toothy grin and his eyes softened to a vast extent.

"You love causing trouble huh?? My piccolo Rosa ,"his eyes went down to my now muddied clothes but he still held me to him tighter.That's how his love was for me.(Little Rose)

Flashback ends..

I smiled reminiscing one of my many happy memories.I sighed as I looked outside at the darkened sky and splattering rain through the window.

I blew a bored breath and leaned back.I just wanted to get out of this bed but there were numerous CCTVs around me I mean too many watchful eyes.

I chuckled as I remembered how dad fussed over me when he saw me sneaking out of my room to go hit the gym we had in our house.

He personally dragged me back to my bed by picking me up bridal style and tucked me back into the bed.I whined at that but he gave me stern look on not moving an inch from the spot.It was just a day after the whole Australian Incident.He actually sat around for a while giving me company so according to him his piccolo bambino won't sneak out again.(little baby)

Anthony wasn't around or he would definitely had given me a stink eye for this.Dad was being soft because according to him,he can't handle my puppy eyes.They melt him right on the spot.The Elders were busy taking down the Australians.Their strategies were working as the Australians number was decreasing day by day.They were on the verge of giving up as they were losing.

Of course it wasn't easy no actually impossible going up against four biggest Mafia's that had the bond of Allies and Families.

The soft sound of the rain brought me out of my thoughts as I blinked trying to clear my head of the idea cooking in my mind.

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