Chapter 31

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Damon Vincenzo Salvatore

These past days were taking a toll on me as I spent each day trying not to get angry at anything simple as not being able to knot my tie.I was beyond frustrated,angry,hurt NO I don't know what all this was,what these feelings were but they were making me mental,forcing me to have an internal battle.

When I had finally admitted to my feelings,not finding her annoying but actually thrilled of having her besides me or around me,she called those moments or the KISS nothing.I had never been in a serious relationship,only hookups here and there but I never let a girl to touch my mouth by any means during those times.I saved it.I don't do LOVE,that was what I had always reminded myself.But when I gave my first kiss to someone I had admitted liking her ,she ruthlessly denied it,calling it NOTHING.

Though I was always one to keep my emotions in control and stay cool but these days I would get angry too easily  and mum had scolded me about it many times.And my sister wasn't helping me either.She kept taking about Ana all the times.Though she mentioned her other two friends too but hearing Ana's name made me mad and sad.

I was planning on staying away for a while and then talk to her once again.If she still replies the same then maybe I was going to face my first heartbreak.But she won't be cruel to hurt me will she??

But all this avoiding came to an end when I realised that Christmas was near which meant flying to Italy as it was The Romanos ,Rossis and Salvatores tradition to gather during Christmas holidays.It would give us dons a rest from all this intense work for a while too.But I wasn't sure how I was going to face Ana when my heart only wanted to leap out my chest each time she was around.She made me feel emotions that I had never felt before.They were totally foreign to me.

I sighed as I abondened my thoughts leaning back in my seat and looked around.I was currently sitting in the Romanos living room.My family had arrived to Italy yesterday as did the Rossis.But Uncle Alexander's family hadn't yet.They were coming today.

The atmosphere in the room was quite cheerful as everyone had a conversation with the others,talking about anything and everything.Lilah was sitting besides me as she happily chatted with Isabelle.She was very happy these days as she had succeeded in making true new friends.

"Oh Ana and the rest are here.."Isa smiled widely as she stood up immediately right after hearing the door bell.

My heart did a 360 flip as I heard her name again.I swear only hearing her name made me excited so much.But I reminded myself that I was going to avoid her for a while.But I still wanted to see her.It's been few weeks of me getting a glimpse of her.Last time was when she left our house to go back to her own.I was so angry at that time that I didn't even bother sparing her a look.

Isa and Lilah stood up immediately as they walked outside followed by the rest few to receive them while the Elders kept sitting as they waited to greet the family once they come here.I didn't moved either.

Voices could be heard outside the room and soon everyone came inside as everyone greeted each other.Isa and Lilah were both hanging on the sides of Aunt Maria as she hugged both of them,walking together.Everyone took a seat as they started talking but I realised one person wasn't here.Nor did the two best friends of her noticed.They weren't used to Ana coming here since it was her first time so maybe they forgot and didn't notice she wasn't behind them.

Without speaking a word,I stood up from my place leaving the room.Everyone was too engrossed in convo to have noticed me leaving or Ana not being inside.

I walked through the brightly lit hallway,crossing the stairs as I head towards the front door.I wonder why she hadn't come inside.Her family couldn't have possibly left her alone back in Canada.She must be here.

She is here Damon don't worry.

I was just assuring myself cuz I wanted to see her face.At this point I wasn't going to be able to stay away from her.She made me do things which were unthinkable.I was utterly attracted to her.While our path was leading on just being nemesis,I don't know when I fell for her unknowingly.But I just somehow wanted her to me mine.The thought of her being with someone else.No I even disliked the thought of it.

My mind was stuck in a whirlpool of thoughts making me crazy.I swear killing someone wasn't difficult than getting this girl to like me back.

My steps echoed through the empty hallway as I walked towards the door.I stopped once I reached and forwarded my hand to grab the handle and open it.I did so moving my hand and latched open the door.But I wasn't prepared for what was on the other side.

Probably Ana was going to open the door too but I was faster.She stumbled from me pulling open the door,causing her to fall forward right into my arms.My hands unknowingly circled around her fast,securing her.Her alluring scent hit me as she held onto my shirt,fisting it while her right hand laid  right on my chest,the spot underneath which my heart was beating crazy,blood pumping right through it and all through my body.

As cliche as it sounds I could feel tiny sparks from the touch while she stood so close to me,her face right near mine as her steel grey orbs gazed into mine while her hot breath brushed my face.

She was so close to me that I couldn't decipher what to do or say.We were just frozen on the spot,in each other's arms and I wished this could last longer.

I looked at her,my face concealing all or any emotions at the moment as I gave her the iciest look but my heart was beating faster than a normal one would.I was still hurt from the rejection and wanted to be away but this spark,this feeling in me wanted to pursue her,to beg her to accept me,to have her agree to be mine.ONLY MINE.

But I knew she was anything but an easy person to pursue.And I blamed myself once again to have caught feelings for her when I had warned myself not to.That I wasn't the one to do love but I fell.

Wait did I say love???Oh no!!!

I cleared my throat as I came back to my senses stepping back,straightening myself and straightened Ana,standing her on her feet firmly.I looked down at her slightly shorter self then mine,my face void of any emotions.

"You should see before you walk.."I said coldly and I could see her surprised face but she concealed her expression quickly and replied in the same tone.

"You should too.." came her reply,her tone icy,the same as mine and it pained my heart to even think she would get affected by my changed behaviour.

She knew I would always talk to her clearly with one or two emotions present all the time while we would banter and mock at each other.But she didn't question my changed behaviour liked she didn't care however I was.Maybe I was just too full of myself or maybe I was just assuming before confirming.

"Anaaa.."Someone shouted from behind as I saw Romeo running towards us being followed by Isa and Lilah while Ana smiled immediately her persona taking a full 360 degree compared to just a min ago.

I wish she could smile this way to me,showing me her adorable smile.The smile that would reward one with those cute dimples on her face.Those, which, one was only lucky to see.She had given me this smile only once and I was so craving to see it again.

Only directed at me..Only for me...


Like I had said before it's difficult to write someone else's POV but I wanted a little change in this chapter.Here's a short chapter.I hope you enjoyed it.
Also the Wattpad isn't properly working.You can't always check the views and comments so even I get any I won't be able to reply cuz I can't check or if I can,I can't reply so I'm sorry about that,while posting a chapter is also so difficult.I hope Wattpad fixes this problem soon.Anywho
Happy Reading!!

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