Chapter 5

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Me and the rest of my family,we were all lounging around in our living room having family time as always.

Anthony and Leo were busy chatting about some work related topics,Albert was chatting with his mum about some new recipes.He was the cook of the family you can say,having gotten chef traits from his mother while Elijah&Elias the twins sat bickering in one corner about some favourite car racers.

David&Dominic weren't home yet.

Watching them all together ignited the want of having my baby girl with us again.I missed her a lot especially today when it was her birthday.

I smiled sadly watching them all.

Maria noticed and put an assuring hand on my arm.She looked through my gaze around the living room at our sons and then back.

"You okay caro " she asked.(darling)

I sighed and looked at her.

"I'm okay amore just missing our baby girl"(love)

"Lo so tesoro lo too"She replied sadly.(I know sweetie I know)

Just then the twins entered the living room in a disheveled state looking gloomy.

Maria saw that too and asked worriedly.

"Oh caro what's wrong"She stood up hurriedly going towards them.Everyone stopped their activities and gave them both their full attention.(Oh Dear)

They plopped down on the sofas and looked at their mother.

"Nothing mom..just tired."I knew they were lying.It was visible from their faces.Maria saw that too.

"I know you are both are lying..Tell me what's wrong"She asked softly sitting besides them.

"Mom,"David sat up right in his seat and looks toward Maria,"you know today we saw a girl at our uni.."


A matter of a that what that's bothering them??

Maria nodded letting him continue.Everyone was listening to him intently.

"It was like we were in some kind of dream..That girl looked exactly like Anthony to the point that they could be twins.."This perked up Anthony's interest as he looked at his brother with curious yet cold eyes.

"But.."he continued

"Her was like there was something wrong with them..She looked the same as Anthony except for the eyes.They were Hazel and we thought for a moment that she..that she.." his voice got heavy at the end.

"That she is our baby sister.."Dominic finished for him.

We were utterly shocked and frozen in our spots.

"What.."Maria whispered slightly.

"Yes was our reaction too.."Dominic said this time..

"But when we asked for her name..she said it was Laura Haynes..the disappointment we felt at the moment..."He ended.

"Ohh Xander..What if that's our baby girl..She could be alive having a different name.."She exclaimed sobbing.

I hugged her sideways and said ,"mio amore the possibility of having a different name is reasonable but they are saying her eyes are hazel while our baby girl had grey eyes just like all of us."(my love)

"Dad" Albert spoke this time,"when I said that my heart felt as if our baby girl is alive..what if..what if she really is.." he said hope lingering in his eyes.

"It won't possibly hurt to check on her records right.."I said after a while.

Leo immediately stood up and went to fetch his laptop.I know deep down my all sons were desperate to have their baby sister back with them.If she really was alive it would be a blessing for us.

He came back with a laptop in his hand and seated.

"Okay Laura Haynes right??"Leo asked typing on his laptop.

"Yes and she is the prestigious scholarship winner this would be easy to search for her like this on the Uni data base"

After typing for a while,he looked up disappointed and said,"there is no Laura Haynes on the data base among the scholarship winners each year.."

"I knew she was lying.."Dominic mumbled.

"Look for the student who won the scholarship this year..She is the one..we'll find her name.."

Leo nodded and put his attention back to the laptop screen.

A few moments passed while we sat watching Leo looking through the data base quietly.Suddenly he gasped and looked up scanning everyone.

"What is it figlio?" Maria asked anxiously.(Son)

"Mamma there is a reason that the twins are reacting this way..."he said and looked down reading loudly.

"She lied about her name..Her name is.."he stopped and looked at all of us.He gulped and said,"Anastasia Rose.."

Maria gasped loudly while the rest were bewilderedly shocked.

"Her parents are unknown stating her as an orphan..Her guardian died one and a half year ago and she came from South Korea which is in Asia and her date of birth is 17th October which is today and she turned 19 today.."he finished and sat staring blankly at the wall.

Too much coincidences and could this be possible..

Maria was crying at this point..

"What if she really is our daughter..oh Alexander that would be a wonder.."she said sobbing hard..

"Show the picture to me Leo." He handed me the laptop and me and Maria looked at the picture causing Maria to gasp again.

"She looks just like Anthony except for the eyes.They are too similar..her name is same as our baby girl..her birth date is same too..too many possibilities that she really could be our daughter.."

"It could be possible..something could be wrong with her eyes right..and she lied about her name..what if she found out that the twins are her brother too??"Albert said.

"She really looks like me..She is so pretty.."Anthony whispered softly,a softness to his face as well while looking at the picture..

"Only way to find out...find a way to bring her here and let her open up to us.. Non forzarla però..we'll find the truth soon"I said in a determined way...(don't force her though)

Oh Let her be our daughter I prayed in my heart..


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