Chapter 25

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Third Person's POV

The sky was getting dark indicating the arrival of the evening.The sun was going down finally after shining brightly since morning.The air was getting cooler after the warm weather whole day.

The family and the guests were all gathered in the spacious living room chatting and having tea but none of them were fully immersed in the convo as all were having similar thoughts about the outing group not being back yet.

They should have been back by now Alina wondered as she sat watching the day coming to an end through the floor to ceiling windows.

"Shouldn't they have been back by now??"Maria voiced the same thoughts as she looked around at each of them.

The mothers nodded being worried about their daughters staying out for long when the danger was lurking just around the corner.

"Yeah I know right..they should have been back.We told them not to spend too much time outside and be back soon."Sandy said.

Anthony sat in the corner,his ears focused on the conversation going on but his mind was somewhere else.

The guards haven't informed me either just like they have been doing every 30 mins he wondered.

Ace voiced the same thoughts like a Deja Vu as he said,"The guards haven't called yet's been more than an hour now.."

And now everyone was restless.

The grandparents tried to calm everyone down as Alisa said calmly,"Don't worry kids they must be okay..probably on their way back.."although her heart was beating faster due to the worry.

A shrill echoed through the room grabbing everyone's attention.

It was Ace's phone that was ringing.He took it out of his jeans pocket with everyone's eyes glued to his every move.


"It's Isa.."he informed everyone as he swiped up on the screen to accept the incoming call,stopping the ringing tone.

Each and everyone straightened up hearing the name as Ace put the call on speaker.

"Belle.." he asked but could only hear heavy breathing from the other side of the screen.He looked up at everyone giving all of them a brief glance and returned his attention back to the screen.

He tried once again,"Belle can you hear me?!Where the hell are you??You should have been back home by now.."

A scared voice sounded from the screen startling everyone.

"Ace.."Isa whispered with no energy left now.She had gone through such moment once before which had caused her to panic and cry this time.

"Isa what's wrong baby?Are you okay?"He tried once again worried to hear the panic stricken voice of his sister.

He was too familiar with the tone.He remembered the moment many years ago when she was taken away for a day that had caused her to be scared for few months before she had gotten back to her normal state.

Her brothers as well her cousins were listening intently worried what had happened.

"Ace they have gotten to us.."she gulped a big lump in her throat and continued,"We had decided to take a stroll in the park before going back but—"she stopped to take a breath and to calm her shaking body.

None of the brothers and cousins were sitting by now.All of them stood abruptly coming closer to Ace to listen more clearly.

Mr and Mrs Kim could feel the earth beneath them vanish hearing her words.They had kept their only precious daughter from themselves so she could have a normal life and not be in danger but they didn't know she would one day face any situation like this.

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