Chapter 7

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Dominic dragged me by my arm towards the hallway leading the dorms of the students.One way pointed towards the girls dormitories and the other one pointed towards the boys.We halted and I looked up confused.

"Umm..Dom why are we here?"I questioned.

"Since its the lunch time and then the next classes going to start so there's barely going to be any students in the girl dormitories.We're gonna hack into the system real quick and look for Ana's room.I'm sure we're going to find some evidence about her wearing lenses."

"Dom you know this is not right.."I exclaimed,"this is invasion of privacy."

"Look David don't you wanna confirm that she really is our baby sister.I mean there's no doubt but we have this last piece to confirm.Then we're going to have our principesse back."he reasoned.

I just sighed nodding.I do want my sister to be back with us.We have missed out a lot on her and we don't want it no more longer.

We got to a corner and I took out my phone hacking into the system.Though the university belongs to our family and we could simply had asked the principal but we don't want anyone to know yet anything.

" no 123 3rd how're we gonna get there without being noticed."

"Put on your mask and let's go..I'll tell you."

We made our way secretly from the front desk counter of the girls dormitories up the stairs.We didn't wanted to use elevator as not to be get caught.Guess belonging to a Mafia family and having training in all this from a young age was a benefit.

We reached the third floor and luckily no one spotted us.Quickly looking for the specific room we reached at the door and stopped.

Thankfully no one was in the hallway and we prayed that no one especially Ana would come.

"Come on try to open the lock.You're the expert.,"I said to Dom and he did so.

Quickly entering we closed the door behind and locked it.Sighing I exclaimed,"this looks like we're in some kind of spy movie.."and dom chuckled.

"We're no less than a spy though.."he chuckled.

We glanced around the room checking each corner.The room was neat and tidy.

"She's a neat freak just like Anthony.."Dominic chuckled lightly taking the room in.

"Now quick we don't have to waste time.Look for some lens case to proof our theory and last doubt.."

I nodded.

Looking through the drawer carefully as to not mess things up I came across a box in the second drawer and took it out.

"What's this?"I asked and Dominic came near peering at the box as well.

"Open it up.."I did and the thing inside made us gasp.

There were two lens cases,one of them was empty and the other contained hazel lenses.There was an
eye drop container and lens water container too.

We looked up and caught each others eyes too overwhelmed to utter something.We were going through millions and tons of emotions.The emotions we held for past 18 years.The hurt of losing our baby sister and being robbed of her existence.This last string proved our relation not that we had any doubt.

"I don't know what to say..Either cry because we met after so long or be happy that our baby sister is alive.."Dominic said voice heavy with tears.

"Ikr..but its all Uncle Ivano's fault isn't it.He was the one who separated her from us.That bastard has to pay for it."I said my voice slightly wavering but anger was visible in it.

"Right we should leave before someone comes here we need to go home and tell everyone the news too.."Dominic sobered himself up quickly fixing himself.

I nodded and placed the box back carefully in its place and we left the room.


"Time for dinner boys"I heard mom calling everyone.

Dominic was sitting in my room working on his laptop while I have been lost in my thoughts ever since we came back from uni.The fact that our baby sister was alive and fine gave me different feelings.The life that had become so dull would be complete after having her back but would she want to be back with us.Everytime we were around her,she would avoid us.

If she knows that we are her brothers then avoiding meant that she doesn't want to be with us.But I shouldn't just assume stuff.There could be a reason behind it.There was lot to know about her,how has she been?where was Uncle Ivano and why he took her from us??was she treated nicely by uncle till now or not??there was lot to ask..

"Come on David lets go down..dinner is ready.."Dom called out to me making me break my chain of thoughts.

I sighed getting up and walking out of the room and with Dominic by my side.

"So..are we going to tell them?"Dom asked referring to the truth about Ana.

"Of course they have a right to know.Everyone misses her so much.They all want her back and with the thing that she really is our sister everyone would be happy.I remember how mom and dad have been devastated for nearly 18 years.It's time to get rid of the pain they have been feeling by having her back."I said.

"You're right.." he nodded back.

We descended the stairs and entered the dining room.Everyone was sat chatting about stuff with eachother.

"Oh you are here..come on boys take a seat.."Dad said.

"Umm mom what is this..?" Elias asked pointing at a dish while we sat down.

"Uhh this..this is a new dish that me and Albert had tried making..Its a South Korean dish.We want to learn some new SK dishes so when your sister comes home we can make them for her.She would love them."mom said excitedly making us smile.

"About that everyone we have got something to say.."Dominic said grabbing everyone's attention.

"What son.?"dad inquired.

"We were conflicted about the eyes of Ana right.."and everyone nodded eagerly awaiting what was next.One could easily see the excitement and curiosity in their eyes even Anthony and Leo when they always had a blank face on.

"Well.."Dominic smiled looking at me,"her eyes are hazel because she wears hazel lenses and actually has grey eyes..proving that..."

"She is our principesse.." we both said in unison grinning.

"Well I knew it...not everything can be a date..age..but now confirming it thrills figlia is alive..well and sound.."dad smiled happy tears in his eyes.(girl/daughter)

"My baby girl.." mom grinned happily whispering softly.

And everyone continued with their dinner..relief and happiness now visible on their faces.


Another chapter on the way...Do let me know that you're enjoying my writing or not...Please comment,share it and vote..Happy Reading!!

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