Chapter 12

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Anastasia Romano

I was dragged towards the car by these two buffoons by my side while we were being stared at.

Most likely me!!

They all were wondering why I was with the Romanos.Not my fault now is it!!!

We drove through the uni gates and towards the house. was going to be my home soon..

"So how were their reactions when the rest found out?"I asked curiously.

David smiled through the back view mirror towards me and said,"they all were so emotional and ecstatic.."

"Yeahhh..."Dominic nodded excitedly,"I had never seen dad cry before...and even that cold hearted bastard was emotional .."He ended with a chuckle.

"I see..and what about..what about Anthony.."I don't why I was curious about him.Maybe I just wanted to see if that stone faced brother of mine had shown some emotions or not.

"Ahh well.."Dominic rubbed his neck slightly a habit the twins had when they don't know what to say.

"I didn't payed much attention to him but his eyes does looked happy.."I nodded and turned towards the window gazing at passing vehicles and buildings.

I smiled thinking about it.I was feeling satisfactory that he at least felt some emotions.

"But hey.."I turned back to Dom gasping.

"What??"I raised a questioning brow.

"You're not giving him the fav brother spot are you.."he asked while pouting slightly.

"Oh hell no..I'm going to be her fav.."David exclaimed from the driver seat.

And with that they both started arguing who was going to be the favourite among them.

Maybe it wasn't going to be that bad knowing them all.

We reached the mansion heading to the underground garage.My mouth once again drooled looking at the variety of cars.Hell I was going to have so much fun with driving these beauties.

"I can see it on your face that you want to devour them all by yourself.."Dominic howled with laughter while David followed chuckling.

I just glared at him and got out of the car.

We head towards the main gate seeing guards on every inch of the property.

"Is this place always this much guarded.."I asked genuinely curious.

"We're the Mafia princessa..Protection is must.."Dominic said.(princess)

David nodded his head saying,"yes and especially after you were taken the security got more tight.."

"The bastard of an uncle we had taken you away from us.I wish he rots in hell.."Dominic said angrily.

I clenched my fist tightly.

Calm down Ana..They don't know..They don't know

I didn't comment and as we reached the doorstep I halted suddenly.

The twins didn't notice me stopping and went ahead entering the house.I was nervous a bit.Don't know why..The thing that they finally knew me as their daughter and sister.So were they going to make me live with them??

Should I?

I had no emotional attachment with them.I had met them only once except for the twins.I only know them as my bios but I had to give them a chance.It was my papa's last wish.For me to return back to my original home.If we didn't work out all the hard work of keeping me safe would be in vain.

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