Chapter 26

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Third Person's POV

Everyone sat in the living room shaken up from the past few happenings hours ago.Day had turned to evening and evening to night yet none of the many had slept yet.They all wanted and waited for Ana to wake up so their raging hearts would finally calm down that had just gone through a nightmare.

It was a big thing for them.Romanos only girl was being threatened and attacked every now and then.Their hearts were saddened from the thought that Ivano must be so disappointed in them.He had kept her safe for some 16 years while they couldn't even for more than a month.

Eunha and her family hadn't left either as they all wanted to see Ana for once before they leave.

"Enough is Enough.."roared Marce suddenly,"These Australians are getting out of hand.We need to show them their place.."

"Don't worry Uncle..We are very close to our win.."said a determined Damon.He had it enough too.His heart just accepted it that he was truly worried for the grey-eyed girl lying on the bed in the infirmary but he couldn't decipher the feelings any further and let it rest in between.

"She fought for us and hurt ourselves...I would never forgive myself if something serious had happened.."now a calm but serious Isa said her eyes red and her face dampened with dried tears.

"I have always slacked off whenever I would have to join the self defence lessons because I always have been a couch potato but that's it..Once we go back to America I'm starting my self defence training once again.."she added her voice hoarse.

Everyone present in the room except for the Kims looked at her surprised as Sebastian joked,"Wow never thought a day would come when Isa would do something willingly without us forcing her."

Belle scoffed at his remark but kept quiet.

Lilah agreed with Isa as she looked at her parents and said,"mum dad I also want to have trainings so I could know more than just basics."

Her parents amazed at her wanting to do that when she would always try getting away from the lessons she had to take with her brothers and instead hide herself in the library all day so she could read many books instead of training.

This time James roared in laughter as he said,"Really Li??are you sure you want to leave your books and instead learn fighting.."everyone smiled at the banter as Lilah glared at him and scoffed.

"We'll Mr Picture take me too lightly.."

The tense atmosphere had lightened up somehow and everyone was more relaxed than before.

"We still don't know how Ana managed to beat Men twice her size.."Armani went back to the topic that had surprised everyone.

They knew Ivano had trained her and that Ana knew how to defend but fighting like a professional was something none of them had imagined.

"Leo is on it.He's checking through the CCTVs to see the footage that has the fight as well the happenings.We don't want to be involved with the police as you know."Matteo added his face the same way as always.Calm,Collected,Stoic,Cold..

These Adjectives best suited The Four Dons.

They all sat for some two hours talking but they were still all ears to any news of Ana waking up.

Leo entered the room,hands in pockets as he walked to the left couch and placed himself on besides David.He retracted his hands from his pockets,a USB held in his hand.

"What's that Son??"Stefan asked as his eyes caught the shiny metal in his grandson's hand.

"This.."he held the port from its corner and held it up,"is the USB that contains the CCTV footages of all that captured on the cameras at the park that would cause us problems.I heard that the police was informed and they arrived on the scene but thankfully I had retracted the footage before they could get their hands on."he finished.

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