Chapter 4

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When Albert said that his heart felt like our baby sister was alive I was intrigued as well and when I made eye contact with this girl in the cafeteria it was like the ground has vanished beneath me.

Me and David were shocked to look at that face.The girl was ditto copy of Anthony.Same face structure,same nose shape,lips,eyes everything was same EXCEPT for the colour of her eyes.The eyes of hers were hazel when Anthony had steel grey.We remember quite well that Our principessa (princess)had steel grey eyes the same as the rest of us in the family.

But how was this possible?

They could be mistaken for twins except for the eyes.We stood frozen gawking at her when suddenly she left the place.I panicked.My heart wanted to follow her and I know David was feeling the same.

We did only thing we could do.We placed our lunch on one of the tables and ran after the girl.

We came into the backyard of the uni and saw her pacing here and there.

"Hey wait listen"I stopped her.


I turned completely now looking at them.They were watching me with many emotions swirling through their eyes yet their faces remained emotionless.

I gulped internally.

Arghh what should I do now.I was panicking now.If they turned out really to be my brothers then what am I going to do.I don't know if I was ready to accept someone who I have never met before.I had only two people with me all my life.

They picked up their steps and marched towards where I was standing.

I stood frozen watching them.

"Why did you run from there?"They inquired.

"I..uhh.I," I stuttered not knowing what to say,"I didn't run I was just done with my lunch so I just left the crowded place that's it."

Such a lame excuse.

They nodded shaking their heads slightly but it looked like they didn't believed me.

"You are new??"One asked.

Should I tell them??

"Umm's my first day here..I'm the prestigious scholarship win-"I stopped immediately.

What the hell did you just do....

"You are the prestigious scholarship winner??What's your name?"

It's not like they would bother searching if I tell them a fake name..Just lie..

"..umm...Laura..Laura Haynes"I fake smiled,"What's yours?"i asked fingers crossed behind my back.

They looked a bit disappointed hearing the name.

"I'm Dominic and this my twin David.Dominic and David Romano."Dominic said this time rather coldly masking the few emotions he and his twin had in their eyes a moment ago.

Romano??but there are hundreds of Romanos.

Come on now which Romano have such similar eyes like inner voice inquired.

Let's ask them...

"Ahh the Italian Mafia"their ears perked up at the that.

"How do you know?"Dominic or David whoever one of them was asked raising an eyebrow.

"Umm I heard students in the university talking."

"Right..Yes we stay away..We are allergic to girls.."

I nodded throwing them another tight lipped fake smile and turned around walking away.

So they really are my brothers...Never knew I was gonna meet them here.Fate really wants me to meet my family.

Sighing I left the place..


To say that we were disappointed was an understatement.Something doesn't feel right.How could she be so similar to Anthony while look so different from her eyes.

"Why does it feel like she is lying?"Dominic wondered loudly.

"Ikr I'm having same feelings"

"My heart says something else.As if..As if.."Dominic said lost for words.

"As if she's our baby sister"I completed his words.



Sorry for the late update and a short chapter.I was busy.Happy Reading!!

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