Chapter III ''Dragons are extinct''

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"Come on, Selaria!" According to the note in the letter, Visenya went to the castle underground, taking advantage of the fact that most people were still feasting above.

"We shouldn't be here, my Lady!" Her servant definitely didn't share her enthusiasm. "What if it's a trap? Some sick way to test our loyalty?"

"Oh, do not exaggerate." Vis rolled her eyes and walked even farther down the stairs.

The truth was, she was quite scared herself. But what did she have to lose? Apparently, there was a special gift waiting for her here, so she wanted to find out what it was. At worst they will lock her in her chamber and she will regret it later, but at least she would try...

"Closed." Selaria said as soon as she saw the chain on the gate. "Can we go back...?"

"Shh!" Vis put her index finger to her lips as she said this. She heard footsteps, so as soon as she interrupted her servant, she grabbed her wrist as well and dragged her to the sculptures standing nearby.

Soon the footsteps became louder and the faint shadow of two figures was visible on the wall, walking towards the closed area of ​​the castle's basement. They sat silently behind the sculpture, clearly hearing the lock being opened, and further footsteps - farther and farther away - along with indistinct conversation. They waited a while longer until Vis decided to come out of hiding.

"I'll go there, wait for me here." She said, remembering what was written in the letter: She must find Balerion's skull, the largest of them, and something will be waiting for her there. It shouldn't be such a difficult task, even considering how big the underground is .

"My Lady, you shouldn't..."

"Don't overdo it. I'll be back before you know it." She smiled at her and immediately began to follow the sound of footsteps, willy-nilly.

She no longer listened to her maid's objections, she went ahead, soon disappearing around the bend. She kept looking around carefully, looking primarily for any other people who could find her here.

She lingered longer at the tattered Targaryen ancestral flags. All dusty, dumped there years ago... She was sad to see it, it perfectly expressed how others felt about her family, which only made her feel more alone. At the last moment, she withdrew her hand from touching the fabric, but decided to move on rather than spend another precious minute thinking about her family.
It didn't take long to find the huge skull. As she looked around and approached it, she realized that the skull was almost twice as big as she was. However, she didn't spend much time on it, she had to focus on what she had to find. She quickly found a box hidden in the back.

She knew she had to hurry because those people who had gone farther would probably turn back, so she crouched down in front of the box and quickly opened it.

I promised I'd keep an eye on you.

For a moment she couldn't even move, but then she reached out to take a large, dark egg.
What was all that supposed to mean? What was this "special gift" about? Are there any jokes about her?

It didn't matter what the answer was, because Visenya immediately came to her senses when she heard footsteps not too far away. She quickly hid the egg under her thin coat and, hastily closing the box as quietly as she could, began to return to the exit.

When she saw the gate, she sped up to get as far away from this place as possible.

"Let's go." She just threw this words towards Selaria, not even looking in her direction, but instead running up the stairs to find herself in the 'safe', palace corridors again. Admittedly, she didn't feel very comfortable having to carry this egg all the time, but she didn't have much of a choice. "Leave me alone, please." She said, breathing a sigh of relief as soon as she was in her chamber and sat on the bed.

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