Chapter XI ''Why?''

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She was shocked, that was her reaction to these words. Did he just... Offer to kill Daenerys for her...? Where did he get the idea that she wanted this? And what makes him think that if her aunt lives, there will be a massacre in Astapor?
How can he walk up to her just like that and say such things?

"What? No...!" she replied after the first shock had passed, although she still couldn't believe what she heard.

She wanted to say something else, dozens of thoughts were running through her head, which she tried to weave into one sentence, but a scream behind her interrupted her.

"You!" she turned sharply away from Roran, noticing that the Slave Market was suddenly no longer so crowded. "How dare you? How dare you call yourself her family?"

She felt like she was in a dream when this man - whom she had feared ever since she met her aunt - Jorah Mormont, had a sword pointed at her. She recognized the same glow of hatred in the blue eyes as in her dream, but also sadness and disappointment.

"Lower your sword." Ser Arthur stood in front of her, sword already drawn. His voice was unusually calm for the situation they were currently in.

"How can you call yourself a knight? How can you defend her if you know what she's planning?"

"Put your sword away." he repeated, not referring to any of the accusations thrown at him.

"No." the word was almost as sharp as the sword itself.

Visenya instinctively took a few steps back. She wanted to somehow stop what was about to happen. She didn't want to see any of them die, even though - believing the stories she had heard or read - she already knew the outcome of this fight...
Yet despite this, she was now in fear for her life in a way comparable to how she had been when she fled King's Landing.

Before she realized that bloodshed was unfortunately inevitable, she noticed something else...

"Where is Roran?" she said it quietly to herself. She quickly looked around, there were still some people in the market, although everyone was staying away from the knights who were pointing their swords at each other. Even with this amount of people, she could say that Roran was nowhere to be found. He ran away? He got scared? Or maybe...

How stupid I am... Stupid, naive child...

Before she could think it through, she ran back to where she and her aunt currently lived. Thoughts about the duel between the two knights were pushed to the back of her mind by the growing fear for Daenerys' life.

Ser Arthur was right, how could I not see that Roran was manipulating me? Is that even his name? Why is he doing this? Why does Jorah want to kill me? Was he manipulated too?

If she dies... I will never forgive myself. It's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault...

With these thoughts, she ran, squeezing between people. Some people looked at her like she was crazy as she ran past them, never slowing down. Sometimes she bumped into someone and hurriedly muttered an apology without even turning around.

Because of this, she didn't notice someone who was following her like a shadow.

It was already getting dark when she ran into the house, she couldn't even see much because the candles didn't provide enough light to enlighten the entire room. In this light there were no signs of any struggle, did she panic unnecessarily?
But if Dany was at home, she probably would have come out to her by now, or at least said something...

Maybe she also went somewhere? No, impossible, Jorah would be next to her then, he wouldn't leave her alone outside the house...

What if she sent him to kill me?

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