Chapter XXXIII ''Dārilaros''

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"This issue is not up for discussion."

"You're going to get yourself killed?" Sansa replied resentfully.

There should be relative peace, at least that's what he would like. Unfortunately, it seemed like they hadn't earned it yet. They might be home in Winterfell, but that didn't mean the end of their problems.

In the south, Cersei Lannister crowned herself Queen of the Seven Kingdoms after the death of her second son. This more or less meant that they will probably face another war in future, and there was also a threat from beyond the Wall...
As if that wasn't enough, a raven from Dragonstone flew in today. Visenya Targaryen invites him to a meeting. In what case? This wasn't in the letter, but it was easy to guess.

He didn't know much about her, only whose child she was and that Tywin Lannister had saved her from death. And of course he had heard about her exploits in Slaver's Bay and that she had four dragons. And now she was back in Westeros and inviting him to a meeting.

Interesting choice of words, as if they were supposed to meet as equals, as if she didn't consider herself better.
Maybe he has a wrong impression, maybe she doesn't have much of an ego at all and doesn't think that she just deserves everything? But is this better than the ambition to subjugate the entire continent?

Besides, what choice did he have? Stay in the North and wait until she comes to him - probably not so nice anymore - or take a risk and go to meet this famous Mother of Dragons. Since she's supposedly so good, maybe he can convince her to help him in the impending war with the Night King? Or at least allow him to mine dragonglass, of which - as Sam, now staying in the Citadel, has learned - there are large deposits on Dragonstone?

"What choice do I have?" he answered her question, leaning on the railing and looking at the main courtyard of the castle. It used to be easier to argue with her. And while last time they agreed on retaking the castle and the battle, this time they couldn't come to an agreement at all.

"At least discuss this with the bannermen! Or let me talk some sense into you." he understood her frustration, and he knew that what he was about to do was more stupid than brave. Although he did not see it as a choice between life and death, but between a quicker death and later death. He would either die on Dragonstone or at Winterfell, killed by her or the Night King and the army of the undead.

A drowning man catches at a straw.

"What for?" he replied, one could say dismissively and shrugged. "They will only question my decision. They have recognized me as their king, I have the last word. Even Jon eventually accepted it."

The conversation with his stepbrother wasn't the easiest either. Jon offered to go with Davos instead of him. Ultimately, however, he understood him and respected his decision. Their sister didn't want to do the same.

"Hasn't experience taught you anything?" he sighed at Sansa's words. It was cold enough that the air that left his mouth was white. At least he wasn't cold like when he had to travel halfway across the continent on his own to reach Castle Black. "I was already told once that you were dead. Do I have to go through this again, only this time for the rest of my life?"

"If I don't come back, it means she's our enemy." he wasn't going to address her question or her words at all, because that would mean scratching wounds that had barely healed.

"She's a Targaryen, of course she's an enemy."

"If we judged each other by what our ancestors did, all families would be enemies." he replied quickly, somehow he had a feeling that Sansa would mention her like that.

Robb, on the other hand, saw no point in disliking her because of what her father, grandfather, or anyone else in the family had done. She had nothing to do with their actions, just as he had nothing to do with the actions of his ancestors. Everyone makes their own decisions and it is unfair to judge by name.

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