Chapter VIII ''The man''

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Visenya was silent for a long time. This is supposed to be the person who will keep her company on the journey?

After all, she studied history, she knew that this famous knight died years ago.

"He's dead, killed during Robert's Rebellion." she finally said with certainty in her voice. She felt her heart slowly calm down, but her body remained tense. And she was still hot, partly because of the dragon that was constantly pressed against her chest.

"Fate saved me from death, I didn't know why for a long time, but now I know - let me serve you, just like I once served your father."

"Did you know him?" what a stupid question, of course he knew him... If it was really Ser Arthur Dayne, then he was her father's best friend. She had heard about it from Selaria, and sometimes she wondered what the world was like back then, before the war.

She wanted to ask another question, but suddenly the dragon that had been cuddling her the whole time decided to free itself from her embrace and come out from under the coat to sit on her shoulder.

At this point he was lost for words. He had experienced a lot, his eyes had seen a lot throughout his life, but they had never seen a real dragon, only skulls in the Red Keep. But his eyesight didn't deceive him, it was a dragon and it was sitting on her shoulder.

This sight only made him more convinced of why he had survived the war.

"Yes. And as I once did to him, so now I swear to you: My sword and my life belong to you, and I will defend you even at the cost of my own life."


In the morning she stood on the deck of the ship, with her hands resting on the railing, looking ahead at the wide waters of the sea. She hadn't talked much to Ser Arthur the previous evening, she was too concerned with her own thoughts, what had happened and what she was experiencing. She realized that the sight of a dragon would surprise anyone who saw it, and she was used to not making any sensations around herself.

And soon she was going to be the center of attention and she didn't know what to think about it anymore.

Just as it was hard for her to comprehend the fact that her father's best friend, whom she had never had the opportunity to meet, was alive, standing next to her and it seemed that he would not leave her side any time soon.

"Where are we going anyway?" Visenya asked, still not taking her eyes off the deep blue of the sea. The wind blew her braided hair and forced her to close her eyes.

"Volantis." he answered her in one word, looking in the same direction as her.

"And then?"

"Wherever you want." she frowned slightly, turning her head towards him. She wasn't used to making decisions about her life, she was just starting to get used to having a real influence on it.

"I want to go home."she said directly. "But my home is nowhere to be found." she had to turn her face again so that the wind wouldn't blow on her, because it didn't help her stop the tears at all.

There is no place for her in this world. In Essos she is a complete stranger, a nameless person, and in Westeros she is the granddaughter of the Mad King, the daughter of the "last dragon" and Tywin Lannister's war trophy - possibly a bargaining chip in case her aunt...

Exactly. Daenerys Targaryen.

"I've heard about Daenerys Targaryen." she started speaking again after a few moments of silence. "I heard she was heading to Astapor. We will go there too." she never saw her aunt, but she was her only remaining family. It seemed reasonable to go to her.

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