Chapter XXXII ''Dragonstone''

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This should have been their last day in Meereen. Tomorrow morning everything should be ready to sail and in about three months they will be on Dragonstone. A lot of time, but considering that she spent over four years in Essos, a few months doesn't seem that long anymore.

She has never seen anything in Westeros other than Casterly Rock and King's Landing, and soon she will finally have the opportunity to see her own lands. She wonders what they look like... She always wanted to see the Eyrie, or Highgarden and all its gardens... Or Winterfell, apparently it's huge, much bigger than the Red Keep and second only to Harrenhal. Tyrion told her that the castle made an impression on him and when he heard about the fire he was even sad and somewhere he hoped that they would rebuild what was destroyed.

She stood on the balcony and watched the sunset, this is the last time she can admire it here. She had the feeling that she didn't want to leave this place, these people, these views. Everything has become so peaceful lately, it's hard to leave these lands and go into the unknown, not knowing what awaits you. She won here, but will she win there too? This was what she feared the most, the unknown.
It wasn't even about gaining the throne, it was a symbol, nothing more. She wouldn't want to get it if it didn't mean so much to people, if they didn't think a ruler must sit on the Iron Throne in King's Landing.

These are problems of the not so distant future, and now she will have to face one more thing... Telling Daario that he is staying in Essos. She put it off because she didn't want to break his heart and... And at the same time, she selfishly didn't want to deprive herself of the warmth of his arms when he hugged her.
Now she can't escape it.

"Your ships are almost ready." she didn't want to take her eyes off the city, but she had to make things clear. She took the goblet of wine from the railing and returned into the room, where she set it on the table. "I saw that they were finishing painting the sails, they will definitely be done by tomorrow."

"That's good." she replied, forcing a smile. She went to sit on the couch, put her hands on her knees and started playing with her fingers.

"I wonder how the Dothraki will cope with 'poisonous water.' And then-"

"You're not coming with us." she interrupted him before she chickened out again, there was no time to put things off.

They looked at each other in silence for a moment before Daario moved closer to her and stopped in front of the couch. She could tell she surprised him with that statement, but it seemed like he didn't understand it like he should have.

Or he didn't want to understand it.

"New strategy? Second Sons will attack from the west, will we surprise them? We will take Casterly Rock and the Lannisters will remain isolated in King's Landing." he sat down next to her and grabbed her hand gently to stop her from playing with her fingers. He sensed something was wrong, but thought she was just stressed about the travel.

"Good idea." she forced herself to smile again, it was visible in her eyes. "But you're staying here. You're not sailing to Westeros."

As she crushed it out, a stone got off of her chest, but was immediately replaced by another one, caused by the fact that she clearly hurt Daario.


"There is finally peace in Meereen." she interrupted him, leaning out of the couch to reach for a goblet of wine and handed it to him as if it would ease his pain. "I want you and Second Sons to make sure it lasts. You will rule in my name..."

"Fuck Meereen."

"Don't say that, we have to take care of this city. And I have one more request for you: End slavery in Lys and Volantis, the last cities where it still exists. If-"

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