Chapter VII ''Sworn protector''

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A few weeks passed with not much happening - except that Visenya and her maid were finding it increasingly difficult to hide the dragon from everyone. They stopped letting other servants into the chamber, Selaria took care of everything.

Oh, and Vis also received a letter. In an interesting way, because a raven with a letter tied to its leg landed on Visenya's balcony while she was repeating High Valyrian to herself using a book of poetry in that language.

The letter stated that a ship would arrive in two months to take her from Westeros. All she has to do is sneak through the gardens in the evening to the edge of the sea and go down the scarp.

Nothing could be simpler, right?

But she will think about that later, she couldn't prepare for it in advance. And what she had to do was find a way to even get out of her chamber into the garden late at night, unnoticed by the guards.

For this purpose - despite Selaria's not very strong support for these actions - during these two months Visenya often went to talk to Jaime, keeping him company even when he was on duty. Her behavior of such shy conversation, combined with stoking his ego, was bringing results. The silver-haired girl was convinced that she had him wrapped around her finger - ever since he started stationing mainly at her door - and they would be able to leave the castle in the evening without any problems, she just had to come up with a good excuse for it.

But they were yet to find out everything... It was the decisive evening, and the biggest problem so far turned out to be hiding the little dragon.

"Be careful her...!" Vis hissed, covering the dragon cuddled to Selaria's chest with her cloak.

"Me with her? She'll probably start biting me and trying to get away as soon as we leave. It listens only to-!"

"Shh!" she silenced her, buttoning the last button of her maid's coat. "We're leaving. Everything as we planned, remember."

Selaria didn't say anything anymore, she just nodded. The silver-haired woman left the room, holding her cloak with one hand as she lowered her head slightly.
Now or never.

"Could we go for a walk in the gardens?" she asked, gaining Jaime's attention. "I had a terrible dream and... I need to get some air, get it out of my head."

It wasn't the first time she had asked to go for a walk at a similar time, just to find out in advance how easy it would be to convince him to do so. At first, he remained skeptical about this idea, but over time it stopped bothering him, and he even seemed to enjoy such walks where the only person nearby was Selaria, walking a dozen steps behind them, or a guard passing by.

"Of course." he smiled at her gently, which she returned.

Without a moment's delay, they moved through the corridors of the Red Keep, straight to the entrance to the gardens, and as usual, Visenya's maid walked silently behind them. Everything as usual.

"What did you dream of?" he asked when they were outside and slowly heading towards the sea.

" My father... I've never seen him, but somehow I know it was him."

"And it was such a terrible dream?" he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Okay, I'm a bad liar..." she admitted, sticking to what she had planned for this conversation. "I couldn't sleep, and part of me... wanted to go for a walk in the moonlight with you again."

Once they were at the seaside, she directed her steps towards going down to something like an observation deck that had no railings. Here there was only a low wall that did nothing to protect you from falling into the water. Guess the only thing you could do with it was sit on it and admire the view.

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