Chapter XXVIII ''Reunion''

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She didn't know how long they had been flying. All she knew was that she was far from Meereen and she had no idea where exactly she was.

"Emi naejot jikagon lenton." she said, sitting on the ground next to her dragons. "Kostagon mazemā nyke arlī naejot Meereen?"

*"We have to go home."*
*"Can you take me back to Meereen?"*

She rose from the ground. Her dress was already ruined, there was almost no trace of the white, there were even spots of blood here and there. Well, at least it suits her now. She wasn't crystal clear, white wasn't her color. She wasn't perfect, she wasn't good, she didn't deserve that color. Such a dirty one reflected much better who she really was and what she represented.

"I know you understand me." she rested her hands on her hips. "You're tired and injured, I understand, but I have to get back to Meereen. The city can't cope without me." she got no reaction. A little nervous, she approached Maelia and quickly got on her back, but the dragon moved suddenly, almost knocking her off. "Okay, you're tired... But you, Drogon, you could take me back to the city." she rose to her feet, still on Maelia's back, and jumped clumsily onto Drogon.

Funny, she used to be afraid to get on a horse, and now she could climb on the back of a dragon without fear. Quite a drastic change.
She stayed on his back for a moment, but when Drogon decided to change his position to - probably - go to sleep, she didn't have time to grab anything and slid to the ground between the two dragons.

They positioned themselves immediately afterwards in such a way that their wings almost completely cut off her access to light. She let out a frustrated huff and crawled a bit to get out from under their wings, but to her surprise she came across something other than the bones of their meals...


There was no doubt in her mind, these were dragon eggs. Three, each a different color, each shiny.

She looked at both dragons - they weren't paying much attention to her - and moved closer to the eggs, gently touching one of them, looked like brown. It was covered in something strange, gelatinous. It must have been hot, because she could see steam rising from it, but it didn't burn her.
After a moment of shock, she finally got to her feet, emerging from among the dragons.

"You left your eggs and flew to save me?" she asked, but of course she didn't get any answer, not even a movement. She sighed and looked around. Just meadows and hills. "But one of you could at least hunt something to eat, I'm starving..."

There wasn't even any tree or bush with fruits here. Much less any stream from which she could drink some water.
She was tired, dirty, hungry and thirsty. She didn't need a mirror to know that she looked terrible, her hair had probably fallen out of her braids during the flight. The dragon necklace around her neck was starting to feel heavy, as were the long sleeves of her dress. If only she had something sharp to shorten them...

She took a few steps to stand in front of the dragons' heads again. She crouched down and stroked them lightly.

"I really have to go back." she said in the tone she usually used with Hizdahr when he didn't want to listen to her the first time. But nothing again... "Okay, I'll come back myself then." she stood up. "It's somewhere in that direction, isn't it?" she turned towards the place they came from and started walking there slowly. "I'm grateful that you saved me, even if you don't want to help me now. Take care of your eggs, go to sleep... Whatever. I'm going to Meereen."

In fact, she didn't feel like going there on foot at all. Alone, without any food or water, tired, looking like something the cat draggen in. She hoped that she would soon find a town or at least someone who would be able to help her. She'll pay him as soon as he takes her to her city.

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