Chapter VI ''The letter''

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"Ser Jaime!" " Visenya called out, running up to Jaime Lannister in the corridor.

She knew what she had to be do, she just wasn't sure if it would work. She talked to Selaria about everything and together they found a way to send a letter to Ser Barristan, and it was actually the maid who came up with the idea.

Vis had just found out about it, but Selaria had a brother in the capital. It was obvious that she was reluctant to talk about all this, but clearly she saw no other way out of the situation. She described her brother as... Peculiar. And that he's just hiding under the guise of a Septon. She didn't even describe what she looked like, she said he would find Vis himself.

That in itself seemed suspicious, but she trusted Selaria, so she decided to trust her words. All she had to do was get out into the city and get to the Great Sept. And she already had an idea how to do it.

"Is something wrong, my Lady?" he replied, turning to her. Her cheeks were slightly pink from running through the halls of the Red Keep for a long time, looking for him. These blushes stood out quite strongly against the background of her delicate, bright beauty, but they combined beautifully with her purple eyes.

"Actually... yes. I have a request..." she began hesitantly, avoiding his gaze. She looked like she was stressed, discreetly flexing the fingers on one hand. And that was actually the case, but she wasn't stressed about talking to him, but about the fact that this was possibly her only chance to escape from here and try to regain what was taken from her. "I would like to pray. But being closer to the Gods, in the Great Sept."

In fact, she hadn't prayed in a long time; she didn't even remember how long. She believed that even if Gods existed, they weren't there to help anyone, so asking them for anything... Pff, nonsense.

"You can go to Sept at any time."

"I don't want to make a spectacle of this, I don't need a crowd of defenders." she interrupted him, finally not avoiding his eyes. "I can hide my hair and simply go in there and pray among people-"

"What if someone attacks you?" this time Jaime interrupted her.

"Won't you protect me?" she replied with a question, pretending to be genuinely surprised.

"You want to... Sneak out into town?"

"Not "sneak out", I'm not keeping it a secret here, otherwise I wouldn't be talking about it in the hallway. I just want to..." she paused for a moment, her eyes watering with emerging tears as she looked into his eyes again. "I want to feel like an ordinary woman, at least for a moment, to go and pray among ordinary people, and not alone in a large building. But if it's... It's such a big problem, then fine. I'll go to the gardens and... I don't know, I'll walk aimlessly..."

She was about to leave, acting very saddened by the rejection, but Jaime - as she had assumed - stopped her.

"Wait." he grabbed her wrist, sighing softly before continuing. "Wear a less ornate dress and coat. We'll meet near the fortress gate, I'll take you to the Sept."

"Thank you, Ser." she replied, smiling broadly. She gently grabbed the hand he held her wrist with, turned it and placed a folded piece of fabric on it with something embroidered on it. She then closed his hand over the fabric and gave him one more look before walking away to change.

When Jaime unrolled a piece of white silk material, he saw a beautiful rose embroidered with red and silver thread.

But make no mistake, it wasn't Visenya's job, she... Let's just say she didn't like embroidery, although that's an understatement. She asked Selaria to sew something like this for her because she would later want to give it to Jaime to complete her plan.

Poor Jaime Lannister...


Dressed in a simple gray dress with a cloak over it, the hood of which covered all of her hair in a tight bun, she walked up the steps of the Great Sept at Jaime's side. She usually kept her gaze downcast so that no one would accidentally see her purple irises, which might arouse suspicion.
When she finally entered the Sept, she began to discreetly look around for Selaria's brother, who was supposed to be here. However, at this time there were quite a lot of people there who came to pray with various intentions.

She stopped at one of the columns, lowering her head, closing her eyes, and clasping her hands as if she really wanted to pray. She stood there for a long time, slowly losing hope that her plan would succeed at all. But she's never been disappointed with Selaria, maybe she just needs to be patient?

But what if the septon hasn't arrived yet? What if he doesn't find her? What-

"What a coincidence... Meeting Visenya on Visenya's Hill." she heard next to her, and then immediately opened her eyes, realizing that Jaime had gone a little further, apparently wanting to give her some privacy while praying.

"Are you...?" she slowly began to take the letter out from under her coat. Before she managed to do it, the man grabbed her hand and pulled out a rolled paper.

Visenya had to admit that this wasn't how she imagined her maid's brother would be. Even though he looked similar to her, there was a strange feeling radiating from him that almost made her blood freeze in her veins and made her feel absolutely unsafe.

"I promise to the Princess that was promised, that the message will reach its destination quickly."

"But... I haven't said anything yet..." she only felt more confused with each word he said. Guess she already understood what Selaria meant by "Peculiar"...

"Don't worry, Visenya, first of her name since the conquest. It is not without reason that you are still alive, I see the goal to which I am leading you. But this will be my last help... When you leave, you will rely on someone else." she didn't know what to say at all... "Go, my Queen. And remember: Anyone who wants the throne is your enemy, capable of strangling you in your sleep."

She wanted to ask something else, but before she had the opportunity, the man disappeared in the crowd. She felt... Weird. She understood little of his "advices". Besides, he said that this would be his last help... Had he already somehow worked to her advantage? But Selaria would tell her about it, right?

Ugh, such a short conversation and she managed to get lost in everything she heard...

"What were you talking about?" she turned to Jaime, quickly hiding her surprise after the conversation.

"I know Lord Tywin wants us to get married, your sister told me." she replied instead of answering the question directly. This bought herself some time to think of what she could say next so that he would believe her and not get suspicious. "Septon helped me dispel my fear about marriage, he helped me look at it in a way that I would start a new, better life." she finished, smiling gently.

What difference does it make whether she said it or not? And so lately she had been trying to convince him that they were attracted to each other, testing her suspicions that the blonde felt something more for her.

Yes, it was cruel, but she knew it was necessary if she wanted to get out of the capital. And to escape from here, she is ready to do a lot.

"You'll. No one will ever hurt you again, I swear it, Maegelle." even though she treated him as a friend at most, she felt a slight warmth in her heart when she heard these words fall from his lips. When he gently took her hand and lifted it to his lips, placing a kiss on it.

Maybe she would even be able to truly love him one day, if it weren't for the fact that for all of them she would always remain Maegelle, a war trophy, a beautiful reminder of the unique features of the Targaryen appearance...

"Let's go back to the Red Keep." she said, smiling a little wider, as if she really believed that they could have a happy life together in the future.

I'm Visenya. Visenya of house Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne.

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