Chapter XIV ''Second Sons''

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She changed into clean clothes especially for the meeting, not covered in all that sand. It was a white dress that exposed her shoulders and cleavage. Nothing special, the cut was simple, the material was uniform, but the dress benefited from a silver chain fastened at the waist and finally loose hair that fell in waves on her shoulders and back.

Long before she saw her guest, she heard the drumbeats announcing his arrival. Of course, he arrived under a roof, in a litter, after all, he would not expose his skin to the harsh sun like his slaves who carried the litter, beat the drum or carried some chests.

She looked away from it for a moment to look at Maelia, lying in her lap - although by the way she was slowly getting heavy, like the rest of the dragons. Drogon was sitting on the back of the couch next to Viserion, and Rhaegal was also nearby.
She turned her gaze back to her guest as Missandei began to introduce him, but she continued to lightly pet Viserion.

"This is the noble Razdal mo Eraz, descendant of an ancient family. A ruler and parliamentarian who brings peace." the presented master wanted to get a little too close and then one of the dragons roared at him. "My Lord, you stand before Visenya of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, and Breaker of Chains, Queen of Astapor."

She didn't know when exactly she obtained her last titles, because she had never declared herself the Queen of Astapor or the Breaker of Chains, but if that was how she was presented, then so be it.

"You may approach. Please, sit." she said, pointing to a chair placed at an appropriate distance from her.

"Would you like some wine, my Lord?" when he agreed, Missandei poured wine into a goblet and handed it to him. He drank some of it and set the chalice aside, at the leg of the chair.

"Yunkai is glorious and ancient." he started. "Our Empire was already old when dragons appeared in Valyria. Many armies crashed against our walls, many rulers were defeated. You won't find easy conquest here."

"The end justifies the means, doesn't it?" she replied, although she didn't think so.

"If you want a battle, you will get a battle. But why? The informations of what happened in Astapor has already spread, but the Yunkai people are not vengeful, but forgiving and generous." she raised an eyebrow slightly, watching the man clap his hands and the slaves carried two crates under the tent. "The Wise Lords of Yunkai have a gift for the Mother of Dragons." and when did I gain this title?

After opening the chests, the slaves withdrew and she looked around at the gold inside. Moreover, the chests themselves were probably quite expensive, decorated with a lot of mother-of-pearl.

"There are many more chests waiting on board your ship."

"My ship?" she repeated, a delicate smile creeping onto her lips.

"Yes, Your Grace. As I said, we are a generous people. We will give you as many ships as you need."

They give her gold, ships... She could go home now. As far as she knows, there is still a war in Westeros, the troops of the Lords of the Seven Kingdoms must be tired of the long conflict. If she came back now, she might even have a chance...

But could she really make that decision? Especially since she had just seen more slaves before her eyes, exhausted, exploited, degraded.

"What do you want in return?" she asked, even though she was already determined that she couldn't give up on Yunkai.

"Only one thing: That you make good use of our gifts. Sail back to Westeros, where you belong and where is your throne. And never interfere with Yunkai affairs again."

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