Chapter XV ''Mother''

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After all this, she needed to relax, to wash away the terrible gaze she still felt on her body. So that evening she lay in a bathtub filled with hot water, her hair still tied in a bun to keep it from getting wet. She lay there for some time with her eyes closed and enjoyed this pleasant moment when the hot water enveloped her body and Missandei gently washed her..

But she couldn't help but think about what she heard that day and about the future.
If she is to conquer the Seven Kingdoms, she must be prepared for war. She needs cavalry. Even if she managed to acquire the Second Sons, two thousand cavalry would still not be enough.

She began to wonder where she could get a large amount of cavalry, but only one thing came to her mind and it was something she didn't particularly like, but she decided to ask Missandei about it.

"You said you know nineteen languages... Do you also know dothraki?" she started the topic with this question.

"Yes." Missandei replied, washing her arm.

"Could you teach me it?"

"I could, but it's... It's a hard language. Guttural and hard." she paused for a moment to soak the sponge. "Actually... Why would you want to learn it?"

"I was just wondering about the future. If I want to claim the throne, I need a cavalry. Dothraki are great at combining horse riding and fighting, aren't they? Even their deity is some... Big Stallion?"

"The Great Stallion." Missandei corrected her with a slight smirk on her face. "But the Dothraki have a very different culture. They lead a nomadic lifestyle, they do not settle in cities, and you plan for it. Besides, they are afraid of the seas."

"Why?"surprised, she turned her head to look at her friend.

"Sea water is poisonous to horses. These animals are an integral part of their lives, they will not board a ship or cross "poisonous water"." she explained.

"But they follow their... Khal." she said a bit uncertainly, because she wasn't sure if that was what the Dothraki leader was called. When Missandei didn't correct her - which means she remembered correctly - she continued. "They won't cross the sea if their khal orders them to?"

"It's not that easy to gain a khalasar. Dothraki follow strenght, not specific bloodlines or gold. If you would like to get your khalasar, you must prove your strength." she explained to Visenya, adding fragrance oil to the water. "There are certainly many other - and easier - ways to gain cavalry. But if you still want to learn Dothraki, we can start lessons even today."

"Yes, I would like to." she made herself more comfortable in the bathtub, a little deeper under the water, and closed her eyes, inhaling the beautiful, floral scent of the oil. "I'm a quick learner."

"If you really only learned Valyrian from books, you must have a talent for languages. You speak this language really fluently."

"It's a beautiful language, it just gets into your head." she replied, hearing Missandei putting the oil aside somewhere.

"Truly, the Gods could not have created a more perfect language. It is the only one suitable for poetry."

She lay there for a moment, breathing calmly, until she suddenly heard Missandei's sharp intake of breath. Her first instinct was to straighten herself up, grabbing the edge of the bathtub with her hands, but then she slid a little lower to let the water cover her breasts again when she saw that someone had broken into her tent.
The man was wearing the clothes of the Unsullied and was holding a dagger to Missandei's throat, his free hand covering her mouth. How did he get here? Is he going to kill her? Where the hell are the guards?!

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