Chapter XXVI ''Trust''

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"When will the King of Meereen come to take my place?"

She rolled her eyes, trailing her fingers from Daario's chin to neck, then to chest.

She could finally be happy when the Sons of the Harpy attacks were over. She allowed the arenas to reopen and married Hizdahr, and the city seemed calmer from then on. Either the attacks will end now forever, or they will gather their strength and strike one last time. They should not lay down their weapons, they must be ready for such an eventuality.

But now she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. She was happy with what she had and didn't want to destroy the bubble of happiness she was currently in.

She wasn't tormented by any dreams, the city was quiet, there was nothing to do but take advantage of it.

"I think he's smart enough to know that he can't count on anything." she replied, rolling over and moving closer. She felt his hands on her hips as he held her close to him.

"The Sons of the Harpy stopped killing because their leader became king."

She raised an eyebrow. It was some kind of theory, but she didn't believe it for a moment. She had already concluded that they were probably paid by someone from another city. And even if they didn't, they've stopped killing, so they can take a break for a while and lower their shields a bit, but not completely.

"Are you jealous?" A smile crept onto her face. The wide smile she had been wearing more often lately was a welcome change. In her mind that was the only reason for him to talk like that. "Of someone like Hizdahr?"

"Do you think I would accuse an innocent person just because he is some kind of competition?" in her eyes, he was no competition for the man she was currently lying naked in bed with and cuddling closely with. She remained silent, a smile was answer enough. "Okay, you're right, my intentions are completely impure."

He kissed her and rolled her onto her back, hovering over her. After a few kisses, his lips moved down to her neck and began to caress the delicate skin there.

"That doesn't mean I'm wrong about him."

She didn't stop him from kissing her neck and then her cleavage, but instead of being interested in him, she started thinking about those words.

"You really think so?" she asked, tugging lightly on his hair. "You told me that I had made a lot of enemies, that I couldn't fight them all, that I should show my strength... But I managed to stop them without bloodshed. I had no choice but to marry him."

"Everyone has a choice." he pulled away slightly to look into her eyes. "Even a slave, live in slavery or die."

"So what could I do?" she asked, placing her hands on the back of his neck and kissing him.

"Marry me."

She fell silent. She wasn't prepared for this answer.

"I would like to." she answered truthfully. "But I can't, ever." she added, feeling her own heart protest. She would like to be able to always follow her heart, but the world is not that good. She sometimes has to sacrifice herself for her goal. She dreamed of a personal happiness, but increasingly she doubted that it was meant for her. Although she thought back to the boy she dreamed about and wondered if there was still any hope for her then.

"Why not? You are the Queen, you can do whatever you want."

"Every choice has consequences." she sighed and looked away, he got off her and lay down next to her. "Marriage to Hizdahr is political, brings political benefits. It is common to arrange such marriages."

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