Chapter XXV ''Lost and admiration''

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As soon as they entered the catacombs, they could hear chains sliding across the stone floor. Even though they had torches with them, they did not illuminate the entire room, especially its depths. Since she locked Rhaegal and Viserion here, she had tried to get close to them several times, without much success - although they didn't try to eat her anymore, at least it looked like this...
The men stood in one row divided in half, and looked scared. After all, who wouldn't be terrified at the prospect of being fed to dragons at any moment?

"Nyke gīmigon bona Trēsi hen Jazdanī kostagon daor edrīto mijegon dohaeragon hen kostōba se welo. Iksan daor iā dyni, daor cāsto skoros ao pendagon nūmāzma nyke. Iksan helīoro, lo gudio corigon sir, kesan lado zȳhon ābrar." she said, standing in the middle of the row of Masters.

*"I know that the Sons of the Harpy could not exist without the help of the powerful and wealthy. I am not a monster, no matter what you think of me. If the guilty person confesses now, I will spare his life."*

She hoped that such an offer might persuade the guilty man to confess, after all, he would save his life - he would spend it in prison, but he would be alive. People usually care even about that.
But no one spoke, even though they were afraid of what Visenya might do next.

"Gūrogon  decuragon." she told them to take a step towards the darkness, which the Unsullied had to force them to do. One of the Masters even started to protest, but when he felt a spear on his back, he took the ordered step. "Mēre tolī." one more step. "Mirrero, nyke pendagon kostā iōragon hae tolmiesz hae gaoman sir."

*"Actually, I think you can stand as far away as I do now."*

She took a few confident steps towards the darkness, to the place where she remembered that the dragons couldn't reach her yet. But they didn't know about it and were terrified, probably convinced that she was in no danger and that they were the only ones close to death.

"Kessi ipradagon ao, nyke ȳdra daor sesīr emagon naejot udrāzma zirȳ." she turned to them."Issi sȳz riñar. Pōnta mazverdagon misodōss, yn issi sȳz tolī mirre, daor hae ao. Ao pryjagon aōha oktion." she came closer to one of the Masters, running her hand over his arm.

*"They will eat you, I don't even have to order them to do so. They are good children. They make mistakes, but in the end they are good, not like you. You are destroying your own city."*

"Īlen sȳz syt ao. Nyke teptan ao tȳne casero. Yn ao pykagon ziry isse ñuha laehurlion. Skoros kessa sagon iā qilōnarion syt iā buzdari syt bisa?" her hand slipped from the man's shoulder, she passed him and nodded to the soldier to push this man ahead of the line. "Morghon."

*"I was good to you. I gave you a second chance and you spat it in my face. What would be the punishment for a slave for that? Death."*

She wasn't sure about what she was doing. They considered her weak, so she probably wanted to deny them this way, prove that she can be as cruel as them.
But with this one gesture she also denied her justice, which she only realized later. She sentenced this man to death without trial, merely assuming that he was guilty.

She watched - just like the others - as the first of the dragons, Rhaegal, emerged from the darkness and burned the unfortunate man kneeling on the ground. For some reason, she couldn't look away from it, even though she knew it was an unjust death. Watching him scream in flames and then be torn apart by both beasts on one hand filled her with fear, but on the other hand it attracted her and fascinated in some strange way.

"Bisa kessa sagon aōha torro lo ao ȳdra daor corigon." she slowly walked behind them. "Kostagon nyke kessa ilzigon jeme naejot se zaldrīzoti, kostagon nyke kessa pāsagon ao. Yn ñuha patī keliton. Eminna se trusi, iā nyke kessa emagon aōha glaesagon." she stopped behind Hizdahr, who - like most of them - was whispering something under his breath. "Kesā spero bantis kesīr. Nyke redossodo naejot umbagon olīce se henujagon se holdōro belma issi qopsa."

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